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四 四川美术学院硕士学位论文 中文摘要 IV万方数据 IV 万方数据 The Awareness And Performance Of TheSpace-Time In The Chinese Contemporary Meticulous Paintings ABSTRACT The space-time is the substance which the human beings rely on. Anybody and anything are always living in the changing space-time which are constantly occurring,developing until the demise of it, or continnuing changing cyclically. The ancient China had its own awareness and ideas of the space-time.shizi once said: Yu is the quartet down space and Zhou is the time through the ages.” In the traditional Taoist and Buddhist philosophy, the Taoist order the Tao as their origin of the space-time, They think that the space and the time are the one .At the same time , all things of the universe interrelated and transformated no matter in its internal representation or inside .The characteristics of Zhuangzi’s space-time conception embodied in the “metaphysical”, while Buddhism advocate reflecting on the space-time with “heart”, namely the view that the universe is illusory including the personal truth, it is created by peoples mind. The performance of space-time awareness in the art works is always an important part of the artistic creations, and it constantly develops relying on the traditional conception of the space-time. In this paper, the writer will analyze the ideas of learning and sources from the Eastern and Western paintings through systemly classifying the awareness and performance in different types of Chinese contemporary meticulous paintings.One of the aims is to sum up the awraeness and perfomance means of the Chinese contemporary meticulous paintings totally; The second aim is to summarize the performance which is adapted to the current person’s visual demands through carding the system of space-time performance. The main object of this study are the awareness and performance in the Chinese contemporary meticulous paintings. Article as a whole is divided into six chapters, including the body of the second chapter to cha



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