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万方数据 万方数据 中文摘要论文题 中文摘要 论文题目:低碳经济背景下大学生消费观引导研究 学科名称:思想政治教育 研 究 生:贺雪娟 签 名: 指导教师:史向军 教授 签 名: 摘 要 近年来随着全球气候变化给人类生存环境带来的巨大挑战,发展低碳经济倡导低碳消 费已经成为世界各国应对气候变化的主流选择。倡导以消费低能耗、低污染、低排放为特 征的低碳消费正逐步成为世界各国应对全球气候变暖的必然趋势,也是国际社会应对新一 轮的技术竞争、产业竞争的可持续发展之路。大学生作为社会中的一个特殊青年群体,不 仅占有相当的数量,而且具备较高的综合素质,其独特的消费观念不仅是全体人口消费结 构的重要组成部分,而且对当今和未来的消费文化构成产生着深远的影响。本文通过对低 碳经济及低碳消费的分析,深入研究目前大学生的消费特点及存在的主要问题,剖析大学 生消费观形成的原因,有助于我们在低碳经济背景下认识到我国大学生消费观塑造所亟需 解决的各种问题,对于探讨大学生低碳消费观念的引导途径具有重要的理论及现实意义。 关键词:低碳经济;低碳消费;大学生;路径选择 I 西安理 西安理工大学硕士学位论文 II Abstra Abstract TITLE: GUIDE AND RESEARCH OF COLLEGE STUDENTS CONSUMPTION UNDER THE BACKGROUND OF LOW-CARBON ECONOMY Major:The ideological and political education Name:Xuejuan HE Signature: Supervisor:Prof. Xiangjun SHI Signature: Abstract In recent years, with the global climate change brings to the human survival environment , develop a low-carbon economy and advocate low carbon consumption has become the mainstream of the world to tackle climate change . In low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission characteristics of low-carbon consumption is gradually becoming the trend of the global warming. The road of the sustainable development of a new round of technological competition and industry competition also. College students as a special youth group in the society , not only make up a significant number, but also have high comprehensive quality. The unique consumption idea not only is an important part of the population consumption structure , but also impact a far-reaching of the consumer culture constitute in current and future.To promote low-carbon consumption plays an important role . This article through to the analysis of the low-carbon economy and low-carbon consumption , study the characteristics and main problems of current college students consumption.Analyzes the causes of college students consumption view, will help us to solve all kinds of problems and shape our country college students consumption view under the


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