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II II 摘 要 社会弱势群体问题是我国社会当前处于社会转型期存在的一个较为严重的 社会问题,其不仅构成状况复杂,存在问题多样,且规模有不断扩大及生存逐步 恶化的趋势。虽然目前学术界对弱势群体给予了较多关注,但关注的焦点主要是 在于如何保持社会稳定以促进经济发展,或如何体现社会主义制度的优越性,缺 少了一种人文关怀的理念。本文主要基于这个视角,从伦理学的角度对社会弱势 群体及其权益保护进行分析和研究。 本文主要由三部分组成,第一部分主要在综述国内外有关对社会弱势群体概 念界定的基础上,对新时期我国社会弱势群体进行了界定,从而区分了社会弱势 群体与脆弱群体之间的区别,并进一步指出了社会弱势群体的虚拟性特征。第二 部分则主要通过一些调查数据,从社会弱势群体的规模及生存和权益保护状况三 方面对当前我国社会弱势群体的生存现状作出了阐述和归纳,并在此基础上,以 道义论、功利论和权利论这三个维度对社会弱势群体权益保护的伦理性依据作出 了阐述和分析;第三部分即全文的主要落脚点,针对当前我国的社会弱势群体的 权益保护现状所存在的问题,提出了进一步完善社会保障体制、健全教育政策优 化就业政策体系、调整收入分配政策和发挥“第三部门”的社会支持作用这四个 方面解决对策和途径。 关键词:社会弱势群体 权益保护 伦理依据 政策支持 III III Abstract Social disadvantaged group has become a very serious problem in our society in transition, not only for its complex constitution and diverse problems, but also for its continuous expanding scale and the degenerating direction. Nowadays the academic community is concerning more and more about the social disadvantaged group, they mainly focus on how to maintain accelerating the development of the economy, or how to reflect the superiority of the socialist system, but lack of a philosophy of humanistic concern. This article is mainly based on the visual angle of ethics to do some research and analysis on social disadvantaged group and the protection of its rights and interests. This paper consists of three parts. The first part is the summary to define our country’s social disadvantaged group in new era which is based on domestic and overseas concept so as to distinguish between the social disadvantaged group and the social vulnerable group and to figure out the dummy characteristics further. The second part is mainly through a number of survey data to expatiate and conclude in the three aspects of social disadvantaged group’s scale, survival and rights and interests protection, and on this basis, the writer expatiates and analyses the ethic gist of rights and interests protection of social disadvantaged group from three dimensionality of deontology, benthamism and the theory of rights. The last part



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