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— — PAGE 1— 摘 要 改良喙肩韧带转位治疗Ⅲ度肩锁关节脱位 的临床疗效分析 研究生:杨 健 导师:伊力哈木·托合提 副教授 摘 要 目的:探讨喙肩韧带转位修复喙锁韧带在治疗Ⅲ度肩锁关节脱位的临床应用效 果。方法:从 2006-2009 年我院应用喙肩韧带转位修复喙锁韧带治疗 TossyⅢ度肩锁 关节脱位,即切断喙肩韧带肩峰端用爱西康线编织后转位至锁骨远端骨隧道内重建 喙锁韧带,探查关节面和关节间盘的情况,彻底清除肩锁关节间碎裂的组织并用克 氏固定肩锁关节,修复关节囊、肩锁韧带,斜方肌和三角肌以保证喙肩韧带与锁骨 远端稳定愈合。结果:本组 19 例 19 肩,其中男 16 例,女 3 例,年龄 22~53 岁。 术后 X 线片提示复位成功率 100%。随访 6~24 个月,随访 17 人,失访 2 人,定期采 用表格通信、电话采访等方式进行资料收集,17 例肩关节功能均在术后 2~3 个月 恢复 ,未发生肩锁关节再脱位者。术后 6 个月采用超声检查显示移位的喙肩韧带连续 性良好,回声均匀,愈合情况良好。X 线片显示肩锁关节位置良好,未见脱位征象。 术后 6 月采用 JOA 评分评价结果:优 14 例,良 2 例,一般 1 人。结论:喙肩韧带转位 治疗Ⅲ度肩锁关节脱位是一种疗效可靠的手术方法。 关键词: 肩锁关节;脱位;喙肩韧带;转位 新疆医科大学医学硕士学位论文 Treatment of acromioclavicular dislocation with translocation of acromiocoracoid ligament Postgraduate:Yang Jian Supervisor: Yilihamu Tuoheti Vice professor Abstract Objective: To explore the effect of Translocation of acromiocoracoid ligament for the treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation. Methods: From 2006 to 2009,19 cases of Ⅲ degree acromioclavicular joint dislocation were treated with transfer acromiocoracoid ligament to the distal of clavicle, use Kirschner wire to fix acromioclavicular joint, then suture capsula articularis and repair acromioclavicular ligament . Results:There are 19 patients was treated with this method, male 16, female 3, age from 22 to 53. Postoperative film display that achievement ratio was 100%.Following up 6 to 24 months,17 patients are followed, we use tables and telephone to collect the informations of all the patients, functions of shoulder joint of 17 patients were recovered within 2 to 3 months after operation. According to ultrasonography, acromiocoracoid ligament is well-healed.6 months after operation accroding to the JOA score, 14 patients were excellent, 2 patients were well and 1 patient was general. Conclusion: For the treatment of the acromioclavicular joint dislocation of Tossy Ⅲ, the methods of transferring acromiocoracoid ligament to treat acromioclavicular dislocation has the reliability of treatment


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