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Analysis on the Legislation of Public Rental Housing’s Lease Management A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master Candidate:Zhao Hailan Supervisor:Prof. HE Guihua Chang’an University, Xi’an, China i i PAGE PAGE iv 摘 要 我国《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》中指出:“重点发展公共租赁 住房,逐步使其成为保障性住房的主体。”由此可以预见,我国公共租赁住房的存在和 发展必将是一个长期的过程,但是在不同时期,其所面临和需要解决的任务不同。公共 租赁住房发展初期应以解决住房供需矛盾的投融资建设为主;随着公共租赁住房的逐步 建成,在其发展的中后期,应以对存量公共租赁住房的租赁管理为主,从而切实解决中 低收入群体的住房困难问题,将公共租赁住房的社会保障功能落到实处。根据国务院总 体部署,十二五期间国家将新建公共租赁住房超过 1000 万套。因此,对公共租赁住房 租赁管理立法进行深入研究,构建立法体系,完善立法内容,对落实我国的住房保障制 度和社会保障制度具有重要意义。 通过定性分析法对公共租赁住房的定义及法律属性——具有社会保障性质的商品 进行界定;同时指出公共租赁住房租赁管理具有鲜明的经济法特性,一方面其不仅能够 克服住房市场上出现的“市场失灵”和“政府失灵”的双重困境,同时还兼具有行政管 理的“公权”属性和合同管理的“私权”属性;在此理论基础上运用规范分析法,对我 国现行公共租赁住房租赁管理立法进行梳理,并运用归纳分析法总结出我国公共租赁住 房租赁管理立法存在的瑕疵;在此事实基础上通过文献研究法有针对性地总结了部分国 家在公共租赁住房发展过程中对租赁管理立法及实践的有益经验;最后通过比较研究 法,提出了应完善我国公共租赁住房租赁管理立法体系、提高公共租赁住房租赁管理立 法层级的构想,并对公共租赁住房租赁管理立法的内容提出了相关建议。 关键词:公共租赁住房;租赁管理;准入机制;退出机制;物业管理 ABSTRACT The 12th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development pointed out that our country will focus on the development of public rental housing, and it will become the main composition of affordable housing in China. We can foresee that public rental housing’ existence and development will be a long-term process. But during different period, it has different tasks. On the early stages of its development, the main task is to solve the contradiction between supply and demand. And late in its development, taking legal measures to its lease management is very important. Overall deployment of the State Council, China will build public rental housing more than 10 million during the twelfth five plans. Therefore, study on the legislation of public rental housing’s lease management, rebuild its legislative system and improve the contents of the legislation, which is of great significance to our country’s housing security system and social security system. According to the《Guidance on accelerating the development of public rental housing》 and t


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