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Title: Stability analysis of complex pipe system flow
Major: Water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering
Name: Zhang zhe S旧ign挝ature: 喘哲
Abstract ? /
Wilh thc progrcss o f scicncc a l1(才 lcchnology,studying on the nature of f1uid and the mOlion
law is mor巳 in-depth. Thc cmcrgcncc of ANSYS software to make numcrical simulatiol1 of lluid 民
possib le. Thc advantagcs of it are fast calculatio n spccd ,simple,cOl1vcnicnt al1d high prccision of
巳a Ic ula t io11. 八I1d il can offer thc dcla ilcd information rc lated 10 the f10w field. So it has b巳COll、c a
po飞vcrful mcal1s for thc study of l1uid rncchanics.
Pipc aS a basic clcmcnl of liquid and power tra l1smissiol飞 it has important mcaning to study
inlcl11a 1 Oow stability of pipc.
In ordcr to stlld y Ihc stability 0 1thc pipe fIow,somc typical compo l1ents in thc intcrnal
pipcline arc calc lIlaled by CFO and the calclllalion results are ana lY7.e. d ?I1 this papcr. Thc
typical componcnts includc rccliflCrs. valvcs anl才 tee.
l:ound in thc hydraulic tl1rbinc 1110del lcst. the f10w error account巳d for thc ovcra 11 crror 0 f 50(}k namcly,thc f10w mcaSllrcmcnt precision decides Ihe precision ofthc ITlcasurcment ofthc tcsl bcnch.so ,considcring s巳tling lhe rectifiers in thc pip巳line. And analyze tbe f10w of walcr il1 thc pipc aficr scu ing t忧 rcctificrs. Choosc rcctifier type and suitable settil1g position throllgh thc
analysis o[ rccti6cr und巳r dilfcrenl typcs and dillèrent sctting positions play a role in thc pipe.
Thc va lvc as thc contro l parls ofthc Ouid delivcry pipcl inc systcm,it plays an important ro lc in pipc linc stability. [n lh is papc 民 ca ICll1a1巳 thc f10w filcd ofbuttcr f1y valvc llndcrdiffcrcntopcning dcgrcc and Ihe ca Iculation resl1lt are a na lyzcd .Through thc ana Iysis 0 f ca Iculation rcsult rcccivcs
thc rclalionship CLUVC between local hcad loss coefficient and opening degrec.
Tcc as onc oflhc 1110st important
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