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宕渣沉降基本稳定; (2) PFC2D 模拟了宕渣路堤碾压性状,在一定程度上能够反映现场 实际碾压情况和碾压过程中颗粒的运动及受力情况。数值模拟结果与 工程实际情况的规律较为吻合; (3) 本文提出的宕渣最大干密度计算公式考虑了粗粒含量、最大 粒径以及颗粒的不均匀性对干密度的影响。仅需已知粗粒含量及最大 粒径即可估算出最大干密度值; (4) GDS 三轴试验结果表明宕渣的应力应变曲线并不十分平滑, 而是在局部出现波动,但总体发展趋势明显,宕渣土的应力-应变关 系无明显应变软化,但其体变规律较为复杂; 本论文的创新之处主要有: (1) 应用 PFC2D 模拟了宕渣碾压过程; (2) 提出了宕渣最大干密度的计算公式; (3) 给出了宕渣的 Duncan-Chang 模型的模拟参数。 关键词:宕渣路堤,压实特性,数值模拟,最大干密度,动力测试, 邓肯-张模型 PAGE PAGE IV EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION AND NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF COMPACTION CHARACTERISTICS OF SLAG EMBANKMENT ABSTRACT Nowadays, with the extending of highway construction to the mountainous and hilly area as well as the widening and reconstruction of the existing roads, slag has become a must-choice for embankment fill material. Slag is a general term for soil-stone mixtures, construction wastes, wastes of pavement and bed layer of the exiting roads and etc. Slag has many good features such as high strength and compaction density, small settlement, strong water permeability and scouring-resistance, and it is also easily available. However, since the stone content, grain diameter and the grain size distribution of the slag range greatly, it is hard to control the compaction quality of the roadbed. This thesis chooses the slag from a highway test section as the research object. The roller compaction technology is researched in detail and the on-site settlement observation during the roller compaction process is carried out. PFC2D is applied to simulate the roller compaction process of the slag and the result of the simulation is compared with the result observed in situ. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the compaction characteristic of the slag, a computing formula is proposed to calculate the maximum dry density of the slag. Combined with the on-site dynamic tests, the relationship between dry density and dynamic master frequency and between dry density and the velocity of Rayleigh wave are obtained. At last, the slag is sieved and scaled, and the GDS triaxial test is conducted wi



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