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摘 要
居住权是每个公民的基本权利,住房作为维持人们基本生活的必需品,既具有 商品属性又拥有社会保障属性。因此,住房问题不仅是重大的社会经济问题,更是 一个政治热点问题。我国政府时刻关注居民的住房保障问题,并出台了一系列住房 保障制度,促使我国住房保障体系初步建立。但是,随着我国城市化水平的不断提 高,城市人口不断增加,稀缺的住房资源无法得到合理有效的配置,当前的城市住 房保障模式已不再适应国内社会发展的要求,难以有效解决中低收入家庭的住房需 求。
基于此,本文以公平正义为理论基础,从多个角度对住房保障政策进行分析。 首先,对美国的“住房券”计划、英国各个时期主要的住房法、日本的“住房公团、 公营住宅和金融公库”体系以及新加坡的“组屋”等国家的住房保障发展历程进行 了归纳和总结,以期为完善我国的城市住房保障政策提供借鉴。其次,分析了我国 城市住房保障政策的发展及各个阶段的特点,并指出我国当前城市住房保障政策存 在的保障覆盖面狭窄、保障对象偏离和保障目标背离等一系列问题。最后提出了适 合我国国情的城市住房保障模式变革路径,即在建立公平正义价值体系的基础上, 建立城市基本住房制度,征收累进物业税,培育城市住房的多元治理模式。希望能 够在一定程度上为完善我国城市住房保障制度提供参考意见,从而有利于各个阶层 居民住房需求的有效解决,有利于维护社会的稳定和发展。
Residency right is the basic right of every citizen. As a necessity to maintain people’s basic life, house has both the property of commodity and the property of social security. So, the housing problem is not only a big economic issues, but also hot political problems. Our government focuses on the residents’ housing problem, taking a series of relevant policies to establish the urban housing security system gradually. However, with the constant improvement of the level of urbanization in our country and the growing urban population, the housing of scarce resources can’t get an effective configuration; the current urban housing security model is no longer adapted to the demands of the social development. Thus, it is difficult to solve the housing requirement of low-income families effectively.
Therefore, based on the theory of fairness and justice, this paper analyzes the housing security policy from multi- angle. First of all, conclusion of the other countries’ housing security development had been done to provide reference to prefect our country’s urban housing security policy, such as the plan of America’s housing vouchers, the United Kingdom’s main housing act in each period, the housing public corporation, public housing and the financial system of public library in Japan and the set of house in Singapore. Secondly, it analyzes the dev