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万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 本实践报告所译材料为笔者受机械学院中低温热能高效利用教育部重点实验室戴 传山导师课题组实验人员委托翻译的科技论文两篇。项目文本旨在向国际核心期刊投稿 并发表,因此翻译过程中特别强调注重语言表达简洁、准确且符合逻辑,并严格遵照期 刊所要求的论文格式。报告翻译材料符合科技论文,文本特点如下:格式的规范性、词 汇的专业性、句法的逻辑性及文本的科学性。 科技论文以学术成果为表述对象、以学术见解为论文中心,具备极强的学术性、创 新性以及科学性;而论文标题、摘要和表格则分别作为文章的题眼、精髓和试金石在论 文的地位不言而喻。作者准备以理论与实践相结合的方式进行写作,结合 Kussmaul 翻 译 5 策略即范畴链接法、场景元素选择法、场景扩大、场景建构和场景标注,对科技论 文标题、摘要和表格的翻译进行研究。 本翻译实践报告共有四个部分。第一部分为翻译任务描述,交代了项目的背景及意 义。第二部分为翻译流程描述,涵盖译前准备、执笔翻译及校正阶段,且在译前准备阶 段中分析了文本特点以及 Kussmaul 的五个翻译策略。第三部分则为案例分析,介绍了 框架语义学理论在科技论文翻译中的具体应用,并提出了标题、摘要等翻译时可采取的 策略。第四部分为实践总结,根据翻译中的难点及错点进行分析,总结翻译的心得体会, 并论述本翻译实践的意义,并提出了翻译实践报告的现实意义与影响。 通过本次实践报告的撰写,笔者对整个翻译过程有了一个全面的反思,总结了科技 文本特点和框架语义学指导下相应的翻译策略,以期为科技领域的翻译实践提供借鉴。 关键词:科技论文翻译;框架语义学;Kussmaul 翻译策略;案例分析 I Abstract This report is based on the translation practice of two Chinese technological papers entrusted to the author by experimenters of Professor Dai’s research team, who is the team leader in the Key Laboratory of Low-Medium Temperature Energy Efficient Utilization of the Ministry of Education in school of mechanical engineering in Tianjin University. This practice aims at submitting to international core journal for publication and thus translator should pay more attention to the concise and accurate expression which should at the same time abide by the logic and format required by the journal paper. The translation materials conform to the scientific papers which featured with standardized format, professional English vocabulary, logical syntax and text scientificity. Possessed with strong academic nature, innovativeness and scientificity, scientific papers regard academic achievements as descriptive objects and academic opinions as its corer; while the title, abstract and table are of great significance serving as the eye, essence and true touchstone of the paper respectively. With the combination of theory and practice, the author tries to make an analysis on the translation of the title, abstract and table incorporated with Kussmaul’s five translation strategi



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