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万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 摘 要 本文对应用于工业控制中的嵌入式组态软件进行了深入的分析,根据相关研 究内容,最后对其进行了实现与测试,达到了预期的目的。主要的研究工作如下: (1) 对嵌入式系统的特点进行了阐述,引入了嵌入式组态的概念,对国内外的 发展状况进行了介绍,表明了本课题的研究目的及意义。然后再对组态软件的功 能和结构分析的基础上,提出了嵌入式组态应该具备的软硬件体系结构,并对开 发过程中用到的关键技术进行了说明。 (2) 对开发环境中重要的组成部分图形界面进行了分析与设计,并选用了适当 的设计模式对图形界面中的类进行设计,同时对开发环境与运行环境中的配置文 件进行了分析与设计; (3) 对嵌入式组态的核心部分实时数据库进行了研究,提出三层结构的存储结 构,提高了实时数据库的访问效率和数据的及时可靠性; (4) 对组态系统中的 CAN 总线技术进行了概述,对应用层协议详细的设计,并 通过自定义的总线协议实现了对智能节点的控制; (5) 阐明了嵌入式组态开发平台,在 PC 机上,采用 Windows 平台下的 VC++6.0 作为开发工具建立了开发环境,在嵌入式 Linux 平台采用嵌入式 GUI (MicroWindows)建立了运行环境;开发环境与运行环境之间 XML 格式的配置文 件通过 FTP 进行数据的传递;并对整个系统进行了编码实现,对需要实现的各个 功能模块进行了测试;开发环境图形编辑功能操作简单,运行界面画面友好,数 据的实时性强,结果表明该系统运行可靠。 (6) 总结了整个课题所做的工作,对系统中存在的问题进行了阐述,提出可能 的改进的地方。 关键词:嵌入式系统,组态软件,设计模式,实时数据库 I ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper deeply analyses the application of configuration software in industrial controlling field at the beginning. According to the related research content, the test environment was established. The function of embedded configuration software was tested through a particular application, and the expected results were achieved. First,the features of the traditional configuration software were expatiated. The concept of the embedded configuration and the development at home and abroad were introduced, and the purpose and significance of this subject were indicated. On the base of the function and structure of configuration software, the architecture of the corresponding hardware and software were proposed, and the key technology of configuration was explained. Next, the important compose part of graphics configuration was analysed and designed. To improve the efficiency and quality of software development, the technology of object-oriented and design patterns were applied in the design of the class. The configuration informations conversion of the system was analysed and designed. Second, the thesis discusses the design of the real-time database in detail. A storage architecture of RTDB was designed and realized by means of multi-media



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