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Classified Index: TP18 U.D.C: 336.384 Dissertation for the Master Degree in Engineering STUDY ON PRODUCTIVITY OF DAQING POLYPROPYRENE COMPANY Candidate: Liu Weijun Supervisor: Prof. Li Xiaodong Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Engineering Specialty: Project Management Affiliation: Foxconn International Group (Langfang) Co., Ltd. Date of Defense: March, 2009 Degree-Offering-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文 - - I - 摘 要 当今世界已进入信息时代,智能化建筑应运而生,由于它比传统建筑能为 人们提供更理想舒适的工作和生活环境,在世界各地相继兴起了营造智能化建 筑的热潮。 智能化建筑是建筑艺术与电脑和信息技术有机结合的产物,是适应社会信 息化与经济国际化的需要。随着全球性信息高速公路推进,发展智能化建筑是 一个必然的趋势。 本文首先概述了楼宇智能化的基本理论,然后结合黑龙江省电力大厦项目 给出了楼宇智能化系统全貌。理论部分对楼宇智能化在国内、国外的研究现状 及智能楼宇的发展趋势进行介绍,对智能楼宇的定义、系统组成和系统功能进 行研究;黑龙江电力大厦作为标准的楼宇智能化实际项目,从其功能需求分析 入手,具体论述大厦楼宇自动化系统(BAS)、通信自动化系统(CAS)、办公 自动化系统(OAS)及综合布线系统(PDS)的功能需求;在此基础上,详细 的介绍了大厦智能化系统设计情况;最后研究了楼宇智能化三大系统楼宇自动 化系统(BAS)、通信自动化系统(CAS)、办公自动化系统(OAS)及其连接 三大系统的综合布线系统(PDS)和系统集成在电力大厦楼宇智能化项目的实 现,特别对大厦应用楼宇智能化中的主要问题进行了分析。 关键词:电力大厦项目;智能化;自动化系统;综合布线 - - II - Abstract In the world today has entered the information age, the intelligent building came into being because of its traditional architecture more than provide people with an ideal and comfortable working and living environment, one after another around the world to create the rise of the intelligent building boom. Intelligent Building is the art of architecture and computer and information technology combine the product of the information society and the internationalization of the economy. With the global Information Superhighway to promote the development of intelligent building is an inevitable trend. First of all, this article provides an overview of the basic theory of intelligent buildings, and then combined with building power projects in Heilongjiang Province gives intelligent building system, the whole picture. Part of the theory of intelligent buildings in the domestic and foreign research the status quo and development trend of intelligent buildings to carry out, on



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