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摘 要
近年来我国各大城市的污染尤其是雾霾日益严重,全国各地都开始燃煤锅炉的拆 并整合和“煤改气”任务。冬季供暖对环境的影响不容忽视,因此环保节能的分布式 锅炉供热具有很高的研究价值。而供热目的,就是在保证用户室内温度基本恒定的情 况下,以最节能经济的方式进行供热。
基于目前分布式锅炉供热仍属于较先进的供热方式,尚没有成熟的分布式锅炉供 热调节技术,因此本文研究出一种具有较大实际意义的分布式多热源供热控制算法。
首先,为了使分布式锅炉可以进行自动调节,需要求出合适的供热调节曲线。理 论上的供热调节曲线由于各设计参数值过大并不适用于实际情况,因此本文提出一种 修正调节公式,此公式是利用历史数据进行反复推演,得出适用于特定供热区域的建 筑参数,再利用推出的参数修正原理论公式而得出的。其次,本文对分布式锅炉供热 系统热源配置算法进行了研究,给出了相应的计算方式与步骤,得出不同室外温度对 应的供热负荷百分比,从而给出适用于本温度段的推荐供热热源类型,用户可根据此 数据对特定的供热区域进行热源类型、数量及容量的选择。
本文研究的分布式锅炉供热控制算法是一种比较具有实际意义的方法。通过对某 小区进行模拟验证,给出最节能的方案配比供用户选择。
In recent years, the pollution of Chinas major cities is worsening, especially in haze. Across the country are beginning to dismantle coal-fired boilers and integration and burning gas instead of coal task. Winter heating impact on the environment can not be ignored, and therefore environmentally friendly energy distributed heating boiler with high research value. Heating purpose is to use the most economical way to make energy-efficient heating, ensuring the users indoor temperature is constant.
It is an advanced way of using distributed boiler to heating system, there is still no mature regulation technology, so this paper describes a distributed multi-source heating control algorithm, with great practical significance.
Firstly, in order to make the distributed boiler can be automatically adjusted, a suitable heating adjustment curves is essential. Theoretically heating adjustment curve due to various design parameters is too large does not apply to the actual situation, this paper proposes a correction adjustment formula, the formula is repeated using historical data inference, drawn for a particular area of the building heating parameters, and use the launched parameters to amend the original adjustment formula.
Secondly, this paper discusses an algorithm on the heat source configuration of distributed boiler heating system, Gives the corresponding calculation methods and
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