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I I 摘 要 为了应对日益加重的人口老龄化以及 2008 年金融危机和 2009 年以来的债务危机的 影响,全球一半以上的国家都已经实施或者将要实施退休制度的改革。我国的退休制度 形成于 20 世纪 50 年代,对于当时国家的发展和社会的稳定起到了很重要的作用。面对 当下高速发展的市场经济、严峻的老龄化形势、难以为继的养老金支付状况,六十多岁 的退休制度显得力不从心,凸显诸多弊端,比如退休年龄男女差别较大、相对偏低、一 刀切等,不合理退休普遍更是加剧了制度内的不公平程度。 文章基于退休年龄的视角,通过对我国退休制度存在问题的梳理,借鉴学术界这么 多年在延迟退休的利与弊的争论,很多知名学者提出延迟退休是大势所趋。在面对诸多 不解和反对的现实时,弹性退休制度作为平衡诸多利益诉求的中间道路,对于当下中国 具有可操作性和积极意义,不失为明智和有效的选择。弹性退休制度是指在劳动者的退 休年龄、退休方式和退休收入方面规定较为灵活,具有一定弹性的、可选择的退休制度。 该制度顺应全球人口老龄化的趋势,结合我国经济、社会发展中的诸多特殊性及地区发 展不平衡的特点,赋予劳动者结合自身情况和需求进行选择的权利,在缓解养老金压力 和不增加就业压力的前提下,通过循序渐进的方式,逐步实现法定退休年龄的延长和退 休制度的改革。 文章进一步从退休弹性制度本身的原则和内容入手,进一步界定和分析了弹性退休 制度的实行应注意的问题及相关制度的调整,突出了本文的特点即把相关配套制度的调 整和完善作为决定弹性退休制度体系成效的关键因素,有助于弹性退休制度实现包括按 需分配在内的社会公平原则。 关键词:退休年龄;弹性退休制度;完善配套制度 III III ABSTRACT In order to cope with the ever increasing aging population and the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009 since the impact of the debt crisis, more than half of the worlds countries have implemented or to be implemented the reform of the retirement system. Chinas retirement system was formed in the 1950s, played a very important role in the countrys development and social stability. The face of the current rapid development of market economy, severe aging situation, it is difficult to over sixty Following the pension payment status of the 64-year-old retirement system appeared to be inadequate, highlighting the many drawbacks, such as the retirement age differences between men and women, the relative low across the board, unreasonable retirement generally is exacerbated by the inequities in the system. This article is based on a retirement age perspective, our retirement system problems combing, drawing academia existing research results and practical experience of Western countries, summed up the delay retirement is the trend of the times, in the face of the many puzzling and against reality,flexible retirement system as a middle-of-the-road balance the many demands of interest, operability and positive significance for the moment, be regarded as wise and



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