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摘 要 交通安全文化分为物质文化和非物质文化,是交通系统的组成部分,而交通安全非 物质文化中的行为文化是交通安全最直接的表现。好的行为文化可以减少交通安全问题, 不好的行为文化容易引发交通安全问题,特别对于行为文化中的羊群效应,需要进行引 导产生积极的作用。城市交通中不良行为较多,而在驾驶人的每次出行过程中基本都会 采取变道行为,是一种发生频率较高的行为,当前车道行驶条件不能满足驾驶人驾驶需 求即会采取变道行为,对交通安全的影响较大。目前变道行为的研究主要集中于变道间 距的分析进行车道变换模型研究与仿真,对于在不同道路交通状态下变道行为特性及变 道行为风险性研究甚少。不同道路交通状况下的变道行为是不同的,给交通安全带来的 影响也不同,因此,有必要对不同道路交通状况下变道行为风险性进行预测。 本文从交通安全文化出发,分析交通安全行为文化中的羊群效应并指出其带来的消 极作用;以行为习惯中常见的变道行为为例,通过问卷调查分析变道行为驾驶人特性, 并根据研究条件限制选取道路交通环境中的车道数、车速及饱和度为影响因素,通过对 西安市路段变道行为调查,确立变道行为风险率为观测路段内致使其他车辆紧急刹车, 减速,停车和造成交通事故的变道次数与总变道次数之比;根据 BP 神经网络的理论, 并利用 Matlab 数学软件建立变道行为风险率的预测模型,并以西安市调查数据为例验 算模型的适用性;最后从行为心理学出发,分析交通行为心理,并从交通行为过程中心 理影响因素构建交通安全对策,提出增强变道行为认知过程、决策过程及执行过程的安 全性的对策。 关键词:交通工程; 交通安全; 交通安全对策; 变道行为风险; BP 神经网络 I II II Abstract Traffic safety culture consists of material culture and non-material culture, is part of the transportation system, and the behavior culture of non-material culture is the most direct expression of traffic safety. Good behavior culture can reduce the traffic safety problems, risky behavior culture is apt to cause traffic safety problems, especially for the herding behavior culture, need to be guided to produce positive effect. There are many risky behavior in urban transport, however the driver will take the lane changing behavior on every trip, is a high frequency of occurrence, while the lane conditions can not meet the demand of drivers driving that will take the lane changing behavior, the behavior has great impact on traffic safety. Lane changing behavior present study focused on the analysis of lane changing safety space and lane changing simulation model, for lane changing behavior characteristics and risk in different road traffic state has little research. Under different road traffic condition, the lane changing behavior is different and the impact to the traffic safety is also different, therefore, it is necessary to predict lane changing behavior risk in different road traffic conditions. In this paper, starting from traffic safety cu



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