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上海海 上海海洋大学硕士论文 II II 积累造成的,而高密度处理中的氮磷含量比其他两个处理的含量偏高。在水稻产 量方面,养蟹处理与不养蟹处理并未出现显著差异,但可能由于“不间断施肥” 的效果,养蟹田水稻产量较不养蟹田产量稍高,而低密度扣蟹生长性状较其他两 个处理均较为优越,提高了整体经济效益,所以综合考虑,低密度较为合理。 本研究是关于北方稻蟹共作与水稻单作生产模式现状的调查。本文以不同类 别的农户间经济与生态效益的对比,来论证稻田养蟹对于单作水稻的优势,以及 对于单作的模式的可替代性。目的在于尽可能地减少资源利用,避免多度使用农 药化肥,通过提高营养物质的循环利用来提高有效产量。结果表明,稻田养蟹农 户的经济效益显著高于不养蟹户,并较少地使用了农药和化肥,实现了水稻和河 蟹的双收,有效提高了收入水平。 关键词:稻蟹共生,水环境因子,水平变化,昼夜变化,经济效益 III III Study on the Effect of Water Quality in Rice-crab Culture Model ABSRACT The level changes of water environment factors were studied in rice-crab and rice monoculture system. A ring ditch was dug around the paddy inside, we random selected thee points in ditch, edge and field respectively to collect water sample. We investigated water environment factors include dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature (T), pH, nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N), ammonium-nitrogen (NH3-N) and orthophosphate (PO4-P) at four rice growth stages (tillering, jointing, flowering and filling stage). Results indicate that, T, pH and DO of rice-crab culture have no significant difference at four rice growth stages (p 0.05), but DO in rice monoculture significantly different (p 0.05) at jointing and filling stage, at flowering and filling stage, DO of ditch, edge and field in rice-crab have significant difference (p 0.05) with DO of ditch, edge and field in rice monoculture respectively, pH and T of ditch, edge and field in rice-crab have no significant difference (p 0.05) with that in rice monoculture respectively at whole rice growing stages. At filling stage NO2-N, NH3-N and PO4-P show significant difference (p 0.05); at flowering and filling stage, nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) of ditch, edge and field in rice-crab have significant difference (p 0.05) with nitrate-nitro gen (NO3-N) of ditch, edge and field in rice monoculture respectively. Overall, compared with rice monoculture, the dissolved oxygen of rice-crab is lower and the NO2-N, NH3-N, PO4-P in ditch are higher than field. Concurrent


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