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摘 要
摘 要
笛卡尔是欧洲近代哲学的创始人之一,是理性主义的开创者,他开创了哲学的新时 代。“我思故我在”是笛卡尔哲学的第一原则,是近代哲学的起点。它的提出标志着哲 学“自我意识”开始确立,反映在哲学理论上,就是由本体论向认识论转变,奠定了近 代以来哲学的发展方向和基本内容。笛卡尔的“天赋观念论”的中心问题是思维如何把 握存在的问题,即思维和存在的同一性问题。笛卡尔论述了观念的形式和内容问题,感 性知识和理性知识的关系问题,真理的可靠性和知识的普遍必然性等一系列重大的认识 论问题。笛卡尔提出了身心二元论思想,为近代心灵哲学奠定了基础。笛卡尔认为,心 和身、精神和肉体,是两个完全不同的、可以独立存在的实体。笛卡尔提出的这些重要 的认识论思想,在哲学史上具有重大理论意义,导致了近代哲学研究重点由本体论转向 认识论,促进了近代西方唯理论思想的发展,奠定了近代心灵哲学的基础。
关键词 笛卡尔 我思 天赋观念论 身心关系 影响
Descartes is one of the founders of modern european philosophy, is the pioneer of rationalism, he opened a new era of philosophy.I think therefore I am is the first principle, Descartes philosophy is the starting point of modern philosophy.It marked self-awareness in philosophy established, reflected in the philosophy theory, which is the shift from ontology to epistemology, laid the modern philosophy since the development direction and the basic content.Descartess theory of talent concept, the center of the problem is thinking how to grasp the existing problems and the thinking and the problems of identity.Descartes describes the concept of form and content problem, the problem of the relationship between the perceptual knowledge and rational knowledge, the reliability of truth and knowledge of common necessity and a series of important epistemological problems.Descartes proposed the dualism of body and mind, which laid a foundation for the modern philosophy of mind.Descartes thought, heart and body, spirit and body, are two completely different, can be independently existing entity.Descartes put forward these important thoughts of epistemology, and has important theoretical significance in the history of philosophy, led to the modern philosophical research focus from ontology to epistemology, promoted the development of modern western thoughts of rationalism,and laid the foundation of the modern philosophy of mind.
Key Words Descartes I Think Talent Concept Relationship of Body and Mind Impact
目 录
目 录
引 言·········
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