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笛卡尔的哲学内容简单而又含义深刻,隐藏在浅显易懂的语词下的,是沉思者 那思维缜密的精确论证。通常认为,笛卡尔严格区分了身体和灵魂,是一个身心 二元论者。然而,如果我们深入研究他的思想,就会发现,事实远比想像的要复 杂。笛卡尔是如何定义灵魂与肉体的?灵魂和肉体在笛卡尔哲学里是个什么地位 呢?以及它们的关系是怎么回事呢?到底是二元论还是一元论?我们究竟应该 如何看待笛卡尔哲学呢?本论文拟就对这些个问题做一番研究。在行文过程中, 我试图紧扣文本,从笛卡尔的著作出发,理清其对灵魂和肉体的定义,并对灵魂 和肉体的关系进行一番探讨,总结其正反两方面的经验,以期对这个命题的研究 有一个新的推动。尤其详细讨论了是思维、精神、灵魂等相近概念的区别和联系。 如果说笛卡尔将灵魂的思维性树立为人的本质内涵,那么这将要面对的将是肉体 这个物的挑战,为什么会有物,如何面对物?作为物的肉体于人是客体性的存在 还是与灵魂交融在一起呢?总之,人的存在何以可能?这正是本文所要面对的核 心问题。
关键词:笛卡尔 灵魂 身体 上帝 实体
Descartes philosophical content simple and profound meaning, hidden under the words easy to understand, is the Thinker careful thinking that exact argument. Generally believed that Descartes strict distinction between body and soul, body and mind is a dualist. However, if we delve into his mind, will find that the fact that more complex than imagined. Descartes is how to define the soul and body? Soul and body in Cartesian philosophy is what position? And their relationship is how it happened? In the end is dualism or monism? How should we treat Cartesian it? This paper proposes to these questions do some research. In the drafting process, I tried to closely texts from the writings of Descartes, clarify its definition of the soul and the flesh, and the relationship between body and soul will be some discussion to summarize the experience both positive and negative, in order to to study this proposition has a new impetus. In particular, a detailed discussion is thinking, spiritual, soul and other similar concepts of difference and connection. If the thought of Descartes establish the essential connotation of human soul, then it will have to face the challenges of the flesh that was why there was, how to deal with things? As the body was in the presence of people is objectified or blend together with the soul? In short, human existence possible? This is the core issue of this paper is.
Key words: Descartes Soul Body God Substance
1 绪论
1.1 研究的目的和意义
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