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I I 摘 要 本文就地下硐室围岩力学参数的分布特征与地下硐室围岩稳定可靠性分析 进行了研究,并取得了如下成果: (1) 从康家湾铅锌金矿Ⅲ-1 号矿体上盘围岩取大量岩样,加工制作了 50 个压缩试验的试样和 50 个拉伸试验的试样。采用 RMT-150B 岩石力学测试系统, 对试样进行单轴抗压、抗拉试验,分别获取了 50 个抗压强度和抗拉强度。 (2) 采用假设检验法,分别对 50 个单轴抗压强度和 50 个抗拉强度服从 何种分布进行检验,证明它们分别服从正态分布和对数正态分布。 (3) 对来自伺服控制试验系统(RMT-150B)计算机输出端的弹性模量 E 和 泊松比 ??,采用假设检验法,证明它们都服从正态分布。 (4) 分别对 50 个单轴抗压强度和抗拉强度进行随机抽样组合,通过计算, 获得了 50 个 C (粘聚力)和 50 个??(摩擦角)。再采用假设检验法,证明它们 分别服从对数正态分布和正态分布。 (5) 对 50 个 E 、??和 50 个 C 、??,进行不放回抽样,组成 50 组 E 、??、 C 、??,采用 FLAC 大型计算软件,对硐室围岩中的应力进行了计算,分别获得 了 50 个最大主应力和 50 个最小主应力。同样采用假设检验法,证明它们分别服 从对数正态分布和正态分布。 (6) 根据单轴抗压、抗拉强度及围岩中的最大主应力、最小主应力概率 密度函数,计算了硐室围岩不发生拉伸破坏和压缩破坏的可靠度。 (7) 采用莫尔-库仑准则,证明了该硐室围岩不会发生剪切破坏。 (8) 采用随机抽样方法,对采用小样本试验结果计算地下硐室围岩可靠 度的可行性进行了探讨,结果表明,样本不能小于 16。 关键词: 地下硐室 围岩 力学参数 概率分布 可靠度 II II Probability Distribution of Mechanics Parameters and Reliability Analysis of Rock Mass Surrounding Underground Chamber Abstract This thesis deals with the following aspects concerning the probability distribution of mechanics parameters and the stability of rock mass surrounding underground chamber and gives the relevant results. Cores were taken from the hanging wall of the Ⅲ -1 ore body at Kangjiawan Lead, Zink and Gold Mine. 50 samples for compression tests and 50 samples for tension tests were fabricated. And 50 compressive strength values and 50 tensile strength values were obtained by using RMT-150B electro-hydraulic and servo-controlled testing systems. The probability distributions for the compresive strength and tensile strength were tested by using the obtained compresive strength values and tensile strength values and the hypothesis test method. It was proven that uniaxial compresive strength follows normal distribtion and uniaxial tensile strength follows the lognormal distribution. The probability distributions for elastic modulus and Poson’s ratio were tested by using the measured elastic modulus values and Poson’s values and the hypothesis test method. It was proven that both of them follow normal distr


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