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摘 要 《孟子字义疏证》一书是戴震自信已经获得孟子的真意之后而写成的一部著作。然 而事实上,《孟子》成书之后,由于语境的改变,其已获得了独立性,因而读者已不再 可能获得孟子的原意。在此前提下,本文将要探讨戴震是如何诠释《孟子》,及其对《孟 子》进行诠释的最终根据。 后世的读者在诠释具有独立性的文本时,就必然会涉及到诠释的方法问题。通过分 析,本文认为戴震在诠释《孟子》时主要运用了两种方法,即语言诠释方法和个人心路 历程诠释的方法,继而本文分别地探讨了戴震之所以采取这两种方法的原因,以及这两 种诠释方法在《孟子字义疏证》中的表现。 关于戴震是如何运用语言诠释和个人心路历程诠释的方法来对《孟子》进行解读, 是本文探讨的重点之一。本文通过分析戴震对孟子“性善论”的诠释,说明戴震是如何 运用语言诠释的方法将孟子的从心善以言性善的“性善论”诠释为“心知之自然”,以 及戴震是如何运用个人心路历程的诠释方法将孟子的“复其初”诠释为是一个不断对事 物之理进行认识的过程。 戴震孟学思想的形成固然依赖于其对《孟子》进行诠释的方法,但问题是诠释方法 本身是否具有独立性,这也是本文探讨的重点。通过分析戴震运用语言诠释的方法对“天 理”和“形而上”、“形而下”的诠释,本文认为语言诠释方法本身并不具有独立性,其 是在思想的指导下进行的。而戴震思想的基础是“一本论”,其强调人的自然情欲的实 现。而戴震之所以要强调人的自然情欲的实现,是由特定的时代背景以及个人的生活经 验所形成的,这也是戴震诠释《孟子》的最终根据。 关键字:戴震,《孟子字义疏证》,经典诠释 I ABSTRACT Interpretation of Mencius concepts is a book which was written by Dai Zhen who has assertorically received the true meaning of Mencius. But in fact,Mencius has gained the independence, as a result of the linguistic environment change,thus readers no longer possibly obtain Menciuss original intention. On this premise, this paper will explore how Dai Zhen annotated Mencius,and the final basis of the annotation. It will inevitably involve the problem of understanding method,while later generations readers understand the text of independence. Through the analysis, this paper thinks Dai Zhen mainly used two methods, when he annotated Mencius, namely,the linguistic interpretation and the annotation of individual journey,and respectively explores the reason of adopting these two methods,and the performance in Interpretation of Mencius concepts. How to use the linguistic interpretation and the annotation of individual journey to explore Mencius, is one of the focuses of this paper. By analyzing How to annotate the theory of original goodness of human nature of Mencius,this paper explains how to use of the linguistic interpretation methods to make the theory of original goodness of human nature of Mencius which argues that good nature should be explained from the perspective of good heart understood th


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