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摘 要
摘 要
2006 年 1 月 1 日正式生效的《中华人民共和国公务员法》第十六章对“职 位聘任”做出了具体制度设计。依据此项规定,机关根据工作需要,经省级以上 公务员主管部门批准,可以对专业性较强的职位和辅助性职位实行聘任制。机关 聘任公务员应当在规定的编制限额和工资经费限额之内进行,依据《公务员法》 和聘任合同进行管理。但我国国情毕竟有所不同,如何立足于我国国情又能借鉴 西方公务员制度创新的成功经验,探索符合特定环境的有中国特色的公务员制度 创新之路,便成为一个重要的理论与实践问题。我国学者对这方面的研究刚刚起 步,关于公务员职位聘任的相关研究还有待深入发展。在有限的相关著作、论文 研究中,大多是针对公务员聘任制和政府雇员制两者之间的区别进行评析,对于 公务员职位聘任制的意义和作用方面只做了概括性、原则性的论述,而对于公务 员职位聘任制实施过程中可能产生的偏差,以及具体的纠偏措施和举措鲜有论 述。
本文试图通过对对公务员聘任制的相关理论、产生背景作用、各地的具体的 实践情况进行分析,并结合国外相关理论,发现我国地方政府在实施公务员聘任 制过程中可能存在的问题,寻求完善途径,力求公务员聘任制的实施能为服务型 政府的高效运转提供动力支持,从而是职位聘任制能够真正的发挥作用。
关键词:公务员制度 聘任制 问题与对策
There is a specific definition towards the position appointment in the 16th chapter of the ?Peoples Republic of China Civil Servants Law? which came into effect on 1st of January in 2006. In accordance with these articles, state organs could carry out Appointment System of Civil Servant in highly specialized position and subsidiary position based on working require, authorized by civil servant competent department of provincial level and higher. The civil servant appointment ought to conduct within the limitation authorized size and wage funds, and was managed by civil servant management and appointment contract. After all, the situation of China is different from that of the western countries. Therefore, how to borrow the western successful experiences based on the situation of China so as to explore the way of innovation of China?s civilian system in accordance with China?s special situation becomes an important theoretical and practical problem. The study on this respect of the scholar of our country has just started; the relevant research still remains to develop thoroughly. Most of the limited related works and research papers focus on the difference between Appointment System of Civil Servant and Government Employment System, the significance and function about Appointment System of Civil Servant, rather than the deviation and error correction measures.The author shall
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