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太原理 l人 r(l!í! I:M穴 fN.?f扩 论文 RESEARCH ON THE DISCOVERY METHOD OF COMMUNITY JN COMPLEX NETWORK ABSTRACT With the rapid development of modern science and technology,in real l ife th e scale of different networks in dìfferent fields is becoming larger and larger. The amount of information it contains is also complicated. With the increasing level of human technol ogy and the deepening of understanding,scholars have found that the complex systems of many different industries in different areas present the common nature,which are complex networks. 1n addition to the small average path of the statistical propel吃ies of smaJJ worJd ,the preferences of node connections ,power law degree distribution of pay scale free distribution of statistical properties ,community structure also constitutes an important complex network structure. The community structurc means the close-knit of nodes within the community and the sparse rcgimcl1t between comm un ities. 丁he discovery of community structure in complex nctwork is of great thcorctical significance for people to analyze the topological structure in complex network, understand its hidden pattern and predict the beha vior of complex network. A l so, it has a wide range of appl ications in social communication networks ,biological networks and the Internet This paper makes the relevant research on the di scovery algorithm of III 太原理 1.大学(,员 +1,)1 究生 午位论文 community in complex network. The paper first introduces tbe research purpose and significance of community structure in complex network and related challenges. Next ,make a simple descl巾tion ofthe basic know l edge of compl ex network and their representation. Then expound the traditiona l di scoverγ method of complex network by graph partitioning and hierarchical clustering . The classical graph algorithm includes Kernighan -Lin algor i thrn and the spectral bisection method. The hierarchical clustering algorithm inclucles GN based on



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