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author analyses the present legislative regulations of the legal remedies
system of defective incorporation. Then the author comes up with the deficiencies in our legislations on legal remedies system of defective incorporation by combining the concepts of the modern company laws, the related legislative experiences of the two legal systems and the actual situations in our country. The shortcomings include six aspects: the ambiguous legislative ambiguous attitudes towards the legal consequence of the defective incorporation, the inadequate legal bases of the defective incorporation, the administrative revocation modes that violate the concepts of the modern company laws, the insufficient regulations of the correlation systems of the defective incorporation, the undefined regulations on whether the revocations of the companies have retroactive effect and the omissions of the civil liability provisions of the related subjects. Finally, the author puts forward some legislative suggestions for the perfection of the legal remedies system of the defective incorporation from four aspects, including the explication of legislative attitudes towards the defective incorporation efficiency, the establishment of the regulations of the defective incorporation inefficacy(or revocation), the definition of the civil liability of the maker of the company defects.
Key words: defective incorporation Legal Remedies defect correlation litigation mechanism civil liability
目 录
第一章 公司瑕疵设立概述????????????????????(3)
第一节 公司瑕疵设立的界定??????????????????(3)
第二节 公司瑕疵设立与邻近概念的比较?????????????(4)
第三节 公司瑕疵设立的分类与表现形式?????????????(6) 第二章 两大法系公司瑕疵设立法律救济制度:模式与理念的分析???(10)
第一节 英美法系原则承认主义模式与理念分析??????????(10)
第二节 大陆法系原则否认主义模式与理念分析??????????(14)
第三节 公司瑕疵设立一般有效性原则的普遍承认?????????(18) 第三章 我国公司瑕疵设立法律救济制度的现状及缺陷????????(19) 第一节 立法对公司瑕疵设立的法律后果态度不明确????????(19) 第二节 公司瑕疵设立的
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