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II II 摘 要 目前,国内的土方平场软件或人工处理工作量大,或计算结果简单,一般只给出一个 填挖方,计算过程用户不得其详,更重要的是,其地面高程提取大多是采用最小二乘法从 图面高程数据提取,起算数据准确度较低。另一方面就是当前国内的土方平场软件大多只 能处理简单的平面或斜面平场,对于规划设计较复杂的平场计算只能采用平均设计标高进 行近似平场计算,计算结果与真实值差异较大。平场放坡只能估算或近似处理,对地形较 复杂的放坡根本无法处理。 另外,工程断面的提取大多不是采用模型法提取,提取出的断面准确度较差。由于没 有采用变坡过滤技术,提取的断面要么会漏掉变坡点,造成提取断面失真,要么步距太短, 计算速度太慢,内存冗余较多,绘制断面不简洁。为了提高工作效率,推动科学技术的发 展,非常有必要开发出适应时代发展要求、省时高效、应用面广的工程测算系统。 本文首先探讨了工程测算系统的数学模型,包括曲面模型、数字地面模型、地层模型; 其次研究了工程测算系统的相关技术,包括曲面模型技术、变坡过滤技术、平场放坡技术 等;然后用 Object ARX 等为主要开发工具开发了工程测算系统;最后把工程测算系统应用 在线路测设、土方计算和工程断面自动生成等工程中。 经多家生产单位应用实践表明,应用该系统不仅可准确地计算土方量,而且可进行道 路设计和断面图的自动生成等辅助工程测算,从而大幅度提高工程测算效率,因此有推广 应用价值。 关键词:工程测算系统;曲面模型;变坡过滤;平场放坡;工程应用 III III Abstract At present, earthmoving flat-field software in the domestic has some disadvantages, for example, artificial processing workload is huge, or calculated results are simple, usually give only amount of excavation and filling, and the users can not get the details of the calculation process, more importantly, its ground elevation are mostly extracted from surface elevation data using the least squares method, the accuracy of initial data is lower. On the other hand, earthmoving flat-field software in the current domestic can handle only the simple flat or sloping flat-field, for flat-field calculation which planning and designing are more complex, made some approximate flat-field calculation by the average design elevation, the results have difference larger with the real value. Slope flat-field can only be estimated or similar treatment; it can not tackle the more complex sloping terrain. In addition, the projects cross-section is not mostly extracted by model method; the extracted cross-section accuracy is less. Because of the absence of using the variable slope filtering technology, the cross-section extracted will be miss the changed slope points, then result in extracting section distortion, or step distance is too short, then slow the computing speed greatly, make more memory redundancy, drawing the cross-section is



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