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join ,the optimization algorithm based on semi-join, the SDD_ 1 algorithm.
Finally, this paper based on the research of the query optimization algorithms of distributed database above, faced with the shortages of the SDD_1 algorithm (The selected gene is hard to estimate, and many assistant operations and so on), puts forward a new query optimization algorithm, for a while named by the multi-join queries based on two semi-join of distributed database. This algorithm avoids the shortages of the SDD_1 algorithm , introduces the two semi-join technique to
reduce entirely the joined cost between two stations ,and this paper combined by the algorithm of minimum spanning tree, gets the smallest communication cost about the multi-join queries optimization and the assemble circs and the join order in the smallest communication cost. According to the analysis of the algorithms’ examples, this algorithm has the similar query efficiency like the SDD_1 algorithm, and the computation is not big .So in some special situations, this algorithm can almost replace the SDD_1 algorithm and get good query optimization effort.
Key words: distributed database; query optimization; SDD_1 algorithm; two semi-join; multi-join queries
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 目 录IV
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 第一章 引 言1
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark2 1.1 论文背景 1
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark3 1.2 研究现状 3
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark4 1.3 本文主要研究内容 5
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark5 第二章 分布式数据库系统概述7
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark6 2.1 分布式数据库系统的起源与发展 7
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark7 2.2 分布式数据库系统的定义及特点 8
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark8 2.2.1 分布式数据库系统的定义 8
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark9 2.2.2 分布式数据库系统的特点 9
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark10 2.2.3 分布式数据库系统的分类 10
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark11 2.3 数据分片与数据分布 11
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark12 2.3.1 关系分类 11
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark13 2.3.2 数据分片 12
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark14 2.3.3 数据分布 14
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark15 第三章 分布式数据库系统的结构16
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark16 3.1 分布式数据库系统的模式结构 16
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