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II II 中文摘要 流行语就是在某一时期产生于某一地域或领域,能够反映时代特色和大众时 尚心理的,并经过传播在较大范围内流行,使用频率在一段时间内达到高峰并持 续一段时间的词语。 当代汉语流行语是现代汉语词汇中最鲜活、最新颖和最具表现力的部分。它 也是现代汉语词汇中较为特殊的组成部分,从表现形式上讲,它以词和短语为主, 也有一部分是以固定格式的短句子为主:从性质上讲,它是词汇中与时代结合最 紧密、最具动态性和文化性的部分:从生命周期上讲,它是发展演变过程最短、 变化速度最快的词语。 对当代汉语流行进行分类概述是本论文的核心任务,本文按照流行语语料来 源和流行范围,参考流行语的追词方式及语义特征,将流行语分为校园流行语、 网络流行语、方言流行语、大众传媒流行语和社会生活流行语五大类。在此基础 上,本文还具体论述了流行语的时代性、动态性、创意性、文化性和层级性的特 2,并从语言因素、大众心理因素和社会文化因素三个方面简略分析了流行语的 产生动因。针对流行语中还存在着一些不规范、不健康的语言成分的现状,本文 提出了在做好流行语的理论研究工作的同时,还应加强语言规范化的宣传力度。 这样就能让更多、更好的流行语不断产生、流行,流行语这个大家族就能在健康 的道路上不断地发展下去。 关键词:流行语:分类:特征:动因 TTT TTT Abstract Catchwords is produced in a given period of time or to a particular geographical area, to deflect the characteristics of the times and the mass psychology of fashion, and after the spread of epidemic in the larger framework, the use of frequency in the peak period of time and words to continue for some time. Contemporary Chinese catchwords in modern Chinese the most vivid, the most innovative and the most expressive part. Tt is also the modern Chinese vocabulary component of the more special, speaking from the expressions, which words and phrases in the main, but also part of a fixed format, mainly short sentences; in nature, it is the vocabulary with the times combination of the closest, most dynamic and cultural part of it; from the life cycle, it is the development of the evolution of the shortest word the fastest pace of change. Of contemporary Chinese catchwords classification is outlined in the core task of this thesis., Tn this paper, according to popular sources and prevalence of the scope of corpus, the words refer to the way catchwords and semantic features, catchwords will be divided into campus catchwords, network catchwords, dialect catchwords, mass media catchwords and social life catchwords top-five catchwords. On this basis, the article also discusses the specific era of catchwords , dynamic, creative, culture and character level, and linguistic factors, the mass



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