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论文题目:德士古水煤浆气化工艺流程模拟 工程领域:化学工程 硕 士 生:刘波 (签名) 指导老师:王再英(校内) (签名) 张光瑞(校外) (签名) 摘 要 煤炭是我国工业生产的重要原料,在我国的总能源消费中占有较大比重。大力发展 洁净煤技术,对于确保国家能源安全,从根本上解决环境污染问题,推动国民经济快速 有效发展,有很深远的历史意义。煤气化技术是煤炭清洁转化核心技术的重要组成部分, 它的发展不仅使煤炭得到高效清洁利用,同时还减小了对环境的污染。煤气化过程的建 模与优化有着十分重要的现实意义。本文以 Aspen Plus 软件为平台,采用 Gibbs 自由能 最小原理,建立德士古水煤浆气化过程的全流程模拟,过程中的数据来自于实际工业运 行数据,模拟结果与实际生产较吻合。基于所建立的模型,进行了关键参数对气化结果、 合成气水汽比的灵敏度分析,并讨论了关键参数对废水排放的影响,最后通过调节氧煤 比和水煤浆浓度,建立气化过程的操作线,对实际生产具有较强的指导意义。结果表明: 在现有工况下,提高水煤浆浓度、反应温度和氧气纯度,可以使有效合成气的收率增加。 合成气中的水汽比随着变换冷凝液流量的增加而减小,温度的升高而增加;随着进口合 成气温度的升高,水汽比增大。适当减少变换冷凝液的流量和提高水煤浆浓度可以减少 废水排放量,达到节能减排的目的。 关 键 词:德士古;水煤浆气化;模拟;灵敏度分析 论文类型:应用研究 Subject :Simulation of Texaco Coal-water Slurry Gasification Process Specialty :Chemical Engineering Name :Liu Bo (Signature) Instructor:Wang Zaiying (Signature) Zhang Guangrui (Signature) ABSTRACT Coal is the critical material for industrial production in our country, and it occupies a larger proportion in total energy consumption. Vigorously developing the clean coal technology has a profound historical significance in national energy security, fundamentally solving the problem of environmental pollution and promoting the development of the national economy fast and efficient. Coal gasification technology is an important part of the Coal clean conversion technology. It has not only enhanced the efficient and clean use of coal, but also reduced the pollution. So, Simulation of coal gasification has a great practical significance. The minimum of Gibbs free energy is applied to Texaco coal-water slurry gasification process using Aspen Plus. The model is verified by the industrial operating data, and it shows good performance. Based on the model, analysis of key parameters to the syngas and water/vapor ration of outlet syngas is carried out. Additional, the influence of key parameters to the waste water is studied. Finally, by adjusting the ratio of O2/coal and the concentration of coal-water slurry, the gasification process operating line is estab



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