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摘要 品德是关于个体在政治思想意识、集体交往、学习意识和个性品质等方 WJ所 表现出的稳固的行为特征和倾向之总和。品德测评是指建立.在对品德特征信息 测与量基础上的分析与评判的活动。中学生品德测评是 一项对中学生 lTl 德成长过程进行宏观调控,对学生品德珩养目标进行科学预测的有计划、有组织 的教育活动。中学生品德发展如何,直接关系到我们的德育目标是否能实现。经 研究我们发现,过去旧有的中学生品德测评内容:小学强调共产主义教育,巾学 强调爱国主义教育,大学又讲养成教育,出现大而空的现象,不符合学生的身心 发展水平和道德发展认知水平。测评标准突出德育目标,强调统一的标准。测评 方法较单一,停留在只测评学生的行为或只测评学生的认知的层面。而这一些己 不适应当今社会发展的需要。我们还发现,许多中学生品德测评研究大都是理论 和方法层面上的,可以具体、直接运用于高中生品德测评的方案欠少。本文从不 同角度就当代高中生品德测评进行研究 p 它包括:品德测评内容、品德测评标准、 品德测评方法、品德测评组织管理等,试为当代高中生品德测评找到 一种可行之 法。 关键词:当代高中生品德测评内容 标准方法 Abstract Morality is the assembling of individual . stable behavior characters and dispositions appe町ed on the aspects of politics and thought consciousness ,social communication ,leaming consciousness and psychological characters. Morality testing and assessment refers to the activity of ana1ysis and judgement built on the foundation of the te蝉鸣 and assessment of morality characteristic infonnation. Middle school students morality testing and assessment is a kind ofplanned and organized educational activity on macro adjus回ents and controls of middle school students moraJiηdevelopment ,and carrying on scientific predicts ωstudents mora1ity training objective. Middle school students morality development influences our goal of motal education whether to be realized direct1y or no1. Having studied some of the existed old methods of the middle school students morality testing and ωsessment, we 也ld the ∞ntent of the old ones Wide and empty. That is: people emphasized,to give the students the communíst education durjng the primary school , patriotism 创ωation during the middle school,good behavior . habit-formation 创u?ation during the col1ege and university,w:hich cant be fit for the level of the development of the body and mind of the students and the level of the cognition of morality developll1:ent of the students. . The standl?d of the old ones emphasized the goal of moral culture and used the same standard to test the morality of the high school st



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