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11 11 浙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract ABSTRACT wi伽甘le rapid development of automobile industry,energy consumption and environmental pollution of vehicles has become a worldwide problem. In order to e能ctively achieve 由e purpose of fuel economy and environmental prote心tion, automobile technology is being promoted in the direction of energy conservation and diversification. 币1阳, ωstudy 剖art condition with 也.e aim of fuel-saving and environmental protection becomes an important issue. η让s paper focuses on the basic thermal state of engine start condition in additional heat so旧ce cooling 可stem. The impact of ex.temal heatωurce on engine start and warmup process is s阳died by using eleωic heatersωheat cooling w,剧时. 咀le au由or designs and tests four basic projects (original,synchronous heating, preheati吨, w,旧m engíne) and two combined projects (preheating combined with synchronous heating,warm engine combined wi由synchronous he础ing). By adjusting the heating mode,heating powe民 preheating time ,w,缸m engíne 阳mperature and other parameters ,伽e impact of each projωt on cooling 阴阳 oil,exhaust temperature and speed changes 缸e analyzed. One-dímensional simulation so仕ware is also introduced to establísh engine cooling sy跚跚 and analyze the 也mperature rise process of cooling water in low temperature ,variable flow condition and variable cooling water volume condition. Experimental result showed 由at each basic project improved 伽e establishment of ωoling water temperature and oi1 temperature 讪剑art condition to di他rent extent. Gre刷 heating power,long preheating time and high w町m engine temperature enhanced the improvement. Combined projects optimized each basic project itself in improving start performance and reduced energyω阳山nption. Simulation result wω consistent wi由 the experimental result. It showed the 阳mperature rise process of ∞oling wat町 ín variable flow and volume bo


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