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中文摘要 中文摘要 摘 要 本文主要针对我国现有工程管理现状在工程管理上的弊病,综合了若干研究成 果,从工程的使用效果、社会公益性、工程建设目标的角度,提出了把工程建设 分为公共工程和私人工程,并对其进行了定义和阐述,明确了政府管理重点应放 在公共工程上。文章同时分析了政府现有的工程管理模式,提出了新的管理思路, 进一步区别管理经营性和非经营性公共工程(政府投资工程),重点改革和建立非 经营性公共工程的管理体制和投融资体制。强调通过设立“公共工程管理委员会” 和“政府工程管理中心”等机构,实施项目代建制等先进管理模式来推动和改善 政府对公共工程的建设及管理;强调以投资控制为核心来强化对公共工程的管理; 强调国际上通行的、先进的 BOT 等建设项目采购模式(PPR)的推广和应用,提 出以此强化公共工程项目的实施和对国际及民间资本的引入,以便解决工程建设 的资金瓶颈问题,并通过投融资体制的变革来推动公共工程的管理模式的发展。 此外,本文还就如何做好公共工程的建设管理的配套制度的完善以及怎样增强监 督机制、防止腐败行为等内容结合笔者自身工作实践进行了较为全面的阐述,以 供大家借鉴和深入研究。 关键词:公共工程,体制,组织形式,投资控制,采购模式,资金,监督机制 I 英文摘要 英文摘要 ABSTRACT Aiming at the disadvantages of project management in the status quo of the current project management in China and synthesizing a large number of research achievements, this article puts forward an idea that project construction can be divided into Public Project and Private Project from the angle of utilizing effect, social benefits and project construction objective. This paper gives them a definition and elaboration; moreover, this paper clarifies the priority of the governmental management should be given to the Public Project. In the meantime, this article analyzes the current model of the governmental project management , proposes the brand-new train of thought in management, distinguishes the management of Profit-oriented and Non-profit-oriented Project, reform and establish the management system and the investment of the Non-profit-oriented Project. It emphasizes the improvement and promotion of the governmental construction and management in Public Project through the establishment of the agencies at different levels, such as “Public Project Management Commission” and “Public Project Construction Center”, and the implementation of some advanced management model, for example, Agent Construction System; it stresses the strengthening of the Public Project management with Investment Control as a center; it highlights the promotion and utilization of the popular, advanced Project Procurement Route (PPR) in the world



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