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万方数据 万方数据 Classified Index: TU833.1 U.D.C: 697 Dissertation for the Masters Degree in Engineering RESEARCH ON THE SCHEDULING STRATEGY OF HEATING SYSTEM UNDER ACCIDENT CONDITIONS Candidate: Wang Xi Supervisor: Associate Prof. Wang Wei Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Engineering Speciality: Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering Affiliation: School of Municipal Environmental Engineering Date of Defence: July, 2014 Degree-Conferring-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 摘 要 随着人们对高生活品质的不断追求,使得集中供热系统向着大型化、多热 源的方向发展,与此同时,供热事故频频发生。事故造成热用户得到的供热量不 足,甚至完全得不到供热,给人们的生活工作带来极大的影响。供热系统事故工 况下运行调度策略的研究,就显得尤为重要。 本文主要从事故应急调度和事故运行调度两方面论述供热系统事故工况下 的调度策略,以期迅速排除事故影响,恢复正常供热。最后,根据理论研究的成 果,设计供热系统程序模型,实现从理论到实际应用的转换。 应急调度方面,本文提出以责任矩阵的形式,来约束事故发生时各个部门 的职责和行动,有利于提高应急调度工作的效果和效率,减少故障的维修时间。 运行调度方面,本文阐述了致力于满足限额供热要求的总体策略,针对多热源供 热系统建立了事故工况下基本热源与循环水泵的匹配模型、基本热源与移动热源 的优化调度模型以及限额供热量最大的优化模型,通过合理地调整多热源的负荷 分配,尽可能满足事故工况下限额供热的要求。移动热源方面,本文以“供热开 始时间最短”和“移动热源出救数量最少”为目标的建模和求解,不仅可以给出 事故的出救方案,对移动热源以及维修站的建立地点和规模,都有一定的指导意 义。并结合案例,运用各个模型给出了相应的调度方案,总结理论中有待进一步 优化与完善的后续工作。最后,运用 UML 语言进行需求分析和系统分析,建立 可复用的程序模型,为以后的研究奠定基础。 关键词:供热系统;事故;调度;程序模型 I - Abstract With the continuous pursuit of high quality of life, the scale of central heating system with multiple heat sources is getting larger and larger. At the same time, heating accidents occur more frequently leading to the lack of heating for users,or even without heating. It brings great inconvenient to people’s daily life. It is particularly important to research the scheduling strategy of heating system under accident conditions. This paper mainly discusses the scheduling strategy in order to eliminate the effects of the accidents and restore the normal heating. Research is carried out from these two aspects: the accident emergency scheduling and the accident operation scheduling. Finally, the program model of heating system is designed to realize the application from theory to practice according to the r



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