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???络建??同步研? THE RESEARCH FOR THE MODELS AND SYNCHRONIZATION OF COMPLEX NETWORK ABSTRACT In this paper, it mainly studied the bipartite graph model of the transit network ,its dynamical model and the adaptive synchronization of complex network.This paper includes six chapters: The first chapter is the introduction, the background of the paper and brief introduction of the finished work are mainly introduced. The second chapter is preparative knowledge, the relevant definitions, assumptions, lemmas, the basic characters and models of complex network are mainly introduced . In the third chapter, the bipartite graph (and which is signed), bus-line network graph and stop-board network graph model of the transit network are established, respectively combined with the adjacent matrix of three graphs, the signed bipartite graph and its stop-board network graph, the algorithm of the bus transfers and the optimal travel path is given. In the fourth chapter, the stability and synchronization of the multi-edge complex network are studied by Lyapunov theory; and the criteria of the network stability and synchronization is given, in the end the simulation example has proven this kind of control method validity. In the fifth chapter, the synchronization criteria of the complex network N N to an average state x = ), ξixi, where ), ξi = 1 under a simple adaptive i=1 i=1 feedback controller is mainly introduced. In the last chapter, what we have done is concluded in this paper. KEY WORDS: transit bipartite graph, adjacent matrix, complex net- work, asymptotically stable, adaptive synchronization ii 原创性声明 本人郑重卢明:所平交的学和.论文,是本人在导 jJij? 指导,,,过行研究Lf 1:所取得的成 果。除文中已经注明引H-1的内容外,本学位论文不包含任何他人 1j1 (.集体己经发表的作品内 容,也不包含本人为获得其他学院而使用过的材料。对本论文所涉及的研究|竹 1位山贡献的 其他个人必集体,均已 A二文中以明确方式 +; lljJ 。本学位吃文JI豆创性 Jfl 明frJil:WBt(l 白水人iFr_ 学ft论文作者签名:$反军升 日肌叫每叶 f{; 51 关于学位论文版权使用授权的说明 本人完全了解河北工业大学关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的以下规定:学校有权采用 影印、缩印、扫描、数字化或其它手段保存论文:学校有权提供本学位论文全文或者部分内 容的阅览服务:学技有权将学位论文的全部l!x部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索、交流:学



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