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内 内蒙古科技大学硕士学位论文 I I 摘 要 可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)是一种重要的工业控制设备,它在逻辑运算,顺序控 制以及定时计数方面有着优良的表现,其在钢铁、汽车、过程工业等方面得到广泛 应用。我国工业自动化过程中也使用了大量的 PLC 设备,然而其市场却被国外产品 长期垄断,这种情况十分不利于我国工业自主化,潜在的威胁着国家安全。本文的 主要工作是致力于 PLC 设计,以 ARM 微控制芯片和嵌入式系统为基础,实现小型 PLC 的功能。 目前对可编程控制器的研究主要有硬解码方案,软解码方案,基于 PC 机的软件 PLC 等,各种方法针对硬件环境及应用领域不同各有所长。现有的各种通用型控制 器在许多场所只能起到部分的控制作用,常用的方案一般都是布置多种控制设备, 共同协作完成作业。 本文的应用背景为供热管网热力站监控,要求设计的成品具有多路 IO 接口,多 路 A/D、D/A 接口,并有 RS232,RS485,CAN 总线等工业通信接口。根据系统需 求并在分析某品牌 PLC 体系结构与通信方案基础后,提出自主的设计方案,采用 ARM-Cortex3 内核微控制器为主控芯片,采用模块化方法设计,对系统的硬件方案 及设计过程进行分析,对系统软件架构与实现进行功能划分,对 PLC 编程语言进行 编码并对其进行解释,最终实现一个完整的热网控制专用 PLC,并对其功能做出测 试。根据以上要求,列出本文研究重点如下: (1)控制器硬件电路选型设计与 PCB 布线; (2)控制器用户程序解码方案选择与功能实现; (3)控制器软件通信接口及多任务环境搭建; (4)控制器整体实现与功能测试。 本文完整的描述了 PLC 硬件和软件的架构和体系,并叙述了其实现过程。相比 国外大型成熟 PLC,本系统仍有诸多方面需要完善。本研究证实方案切实可行对 PLC 实现有一定的借鉴和参考价值。 关键词:PLC;ARM;C 语言;指令码;梯形图 II II Abstract Programmable logic controller (PLC) is a kind of important industrial control equipment, it has excellent performance in logical, sequential control and timing counting. PLC has has been widely applied in the iron and steel, automotive, industrial process. A large number of PLC equipment has been also used in Chinas industrial automation process, however the market is long-term monopolized by foreign products, this situation is not conducive to Chinas industrial autonomy, and it is a potential threat to our national security. The main work of this paper is devoted to the PLC design, with ARM control chip and embedded system as the foundation, to achieve small PLC function. There are several implementation schemes : hard decoding scheme, soft decoding scheme, software PLC based on PC. Each has its good point for special hardware environment and application fields. In many places the existing universal controller can only play a part of control task, commonly used schemes were arranged a variety of control equipments working together to complete work. The background of this paper is heating pipe network heating station monitoring and control, t



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