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东华大学 东华大学硕士学位论文 摘要 II II 丝管距离的增加电场强度和电势均变小。电场强度峰值随电压的增大 而增大,而随喷丝管直径、喷丝管长度和接收距离的增大而减小。 基于对静电纺丝工作电场的模拟分析,设计了相应的静电纺丝实 验,得到了纺丝电压和纺丝接收距离变化对纤维直径的影响,得到结 果为:纤维直径随纺丝电压的增大而减小,随接收距离的增大先减小 后增大。 关键词:静电纺丝;有限元分析;COMSOL Multiphysics;纳米纤维 东华大学 东华大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT III III NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF SINGLE NOZZLE ELECTROSPINING PROCESS ABSTRACT With the development of nano technology, nano fiber material due to its good performance to cause the attention of people. It can widely used in the field of filtration, biological medicine, protective clothing and nano sensors, such as the. The electrospinning technology is the only method that can prepare the nanofibers continuously, and it has got the development of high speed. Electrospinning is generated by high voltage electrostatic field to polymer solution or melt charged, when electric field overcomes its surface tension and viscous force and the formation of jet streams, with the solvent volatilization curing of preparation of nano fiber, with simple and direct, forming an excellent advantages. With the traditional dry wet spinning the biggest difference is electrostatic spinning by electric field force as the tensile force, electrostatic spinning device of the electric field distribution is the important influencing factors of jet formation and trajectory, and therefore the study on electrospinning is very necessary. In this text, by using COMSOL Multiphysics finite element simulation software for the single needle electrostatic spinning device simulates and analyses the electric field and electric potential distribution, obtained the single needle electrostatic spinning electric potential and electric field intensity distribution. By changing the diameter, spinning voltage, spinning needle length and receiving distance, it is concluded that the peak electric field intensity and the change of their relationship. Through the simulation research of this paper, the following conclusions: Electrostatic spinning of the electric field dis



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