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Research on Effects of Alternate Partial Root-zone Irrigation on Growth and Physiological and Biochemical
Characteristics in Sugarcane
Yang Pingfei
(College of Agriculture,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,China)
In this study,sugarcane was set as the research object,irrigation methods include regulation uniform irrigation (CI),conventional drip irrigation (CDI),alternate partial
root-zone irrigation (APRI) and alternate partial root-zone drip irrigation (APDI) and irrigation levels include 70% -80% θf (high water),55 % -65% θf (middle water) and 40%
-50% θf (low water).Research and analyze the effects of alternative irrigation technology
on sugarcane physiological and biochemical characteristics,yield and water use efficiency by measuring the physiological and biochemical characteristics and yield under different treatment in sugarcane to provide the best reference for sugarcane irrigation methods and
water.The main results are as follows:
1.Compared with the CI and CDI treatment, Gs, Pn, Tr, Ci and chlorophyll content under APDI and APRI treatment were slightly lower, but the single leaf instantaneous water use efficiency is greatly improved, influence was significant at tillering ; increased
the SOD, proline, MDA, soluble sugar, soluble protein content and root vigor were increased under APRI and APDI treatment, while the chlorophyll and total N, P, K contents were reduced.
2.Compared with the CI and CDI treatment, increased the fiber points, sucrose juice, juice gravity purity, sugar cane juice and sucrose contents were increased under APRI and APDI treatment, while the reducing sugars in juice was reduced, and middle water was
helpful the quality traits.
3.Compared with the CI and CDI treatment, plant height was reduced and stem
diameter was improved under APRI and APDI treatment, but the difference was not significant; sugarcane production is basically unchanged, but the irrigation water use efficiency were significantly improved 40.01%,
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