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ABSTRACT ?凰 .. (1..4 ‘ Supply chain is a dynamic alliance consisting of many enterprises which belong to different economic entities and make decisions with the aim of benefit maximization respectivel 弘 which contributesωdouble-marginalization effect and bullwhip effect on supply chain. Effective supply chain ωntract can be used ω coordinate benefit-based relationships and assign risksharing among every member of supply chain, reinforce the collaboration of 臼lterprises,and realize the coordination of supply chain. Now most of researches on supply chain contract 町e made on the assumption 伽at supply chain members dont face any fmancial constraints which is ideal.With the development of global economy and intensi句ring market comp创ence, it is ubiquitous that enterprises of supply chain face fmancial constraint problems , es仰cially small and medium enterprises. Dividing supply chain enterprises financing ways into extemal fmancing and intemal financial,this pap时 introduces fmancing ways into financial-ωnstrained supply chain and searches 础er supply chain coordination on the basis of quantity f1exibi1ity contract under the best financing way,which makes the supply chain contract more practical. We got those following conclusions.First1y,compared to external financi吨, while the supplier is a good credit rating company,internal fmancing can not only reduce 由e capital cost,but also is helpful to encourage the retailer to order more products , and thus makes supply chain more profitable. Secondly,仰仗ing internal financing rate is helpfulωcoordinate supply chain but its effect is limited compared to the f1exibility of quantity. While motivating the retailer,the suppli町 should adjust the f1e对bi1i句, of quantity as well as the f1exibility of quantit如 KEY WORDS: supply chain coordination ,quantity f1exibi1ity,intemal fmancing of supply chain, extemal fmancing of supply chain,financial constraint 目录 .lA 第…章绪论$…..……………..…… 1 川研究背景及意义…………… ………… 1 1.



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