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华 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 I I 摘 要 作为模拟仿真领域目前研究的热点问题之一,气体泄漏扩散过程仿真日益受到 关注。从国内外的研究现状出发,分析和比较了当前常见的气体泄漏扩散仿真模型 的优势和不足。针对这些优势和不足,对三维有限元模型进行了化简,并以此为基 础,构建了气体扩散过程三维仿真方案,模拟了复杂封闭空间中气体泄漏扩散的动 态过程。 气体泄漏扩散过程三维仿真方案具体介绍了所采用的仿真模型,给出了对三维 有限元模型的化简目标,并结合目标空间的实际特点详细阐述了对模型所采取的化 简措施,从理论上分析了化简的仿真模型所具有的性能优势。方案构建了有限元仿 真计算机制,给出了用于有限元计算求解的具体算法,并采用在成熟的仿真环境下 通过脚本编程调用其服务的方式,实现了复杂封闭空间中气体泄漏扩散过程的三维 仿真以及仿真结果的三维可视化,获得了较高的仿真精度,降低了仿真花费的时间, 提高了仿真的效率。 在总体安全监测与评估系统仿真实验平台上对基于三维有限元模型的气体泄漏 扩散过程仿真方案进行测试。以一特定的目标空间作为仿真案例,与通过物理实验 获得的数据对比,对系统从花费的时间和结果的准确性方面进行了性能测试。仿真 实验结果表明,使用基于三维有限元模型的气体泄漏扩散仿真方案时,能够准确地 模拟出气体泄漏扩散过程中,目标空间中各个位置点的气体浓度变化情况。这为气 体泄漏扩散过程仿真提供了一条新的途径和方法。 关键词: 气体泄漏扩散,封闭空间,三维有限元模型,气体浓度 II II Abstract As one of current popular topics in the field of simulation, simulation of gas leakage and diffusion is getting more and more attention. Based on current researchment at home and abroad, common simulation models of gas leakage and diffusion are anaylzed and compared in this paper. In view of these advantages and disadvantages, three-dimensional finite element model is optimized according to actual condition. Based on this model, a three-dimensional simulation system is developed to simulate the dynamic process of gas leakage and diffusion. Three-dimensional simulation schema of gas leakage and diffusion introduces the optimal goal of three-dimensional finite element model and the corresponding optimal measures according to actual condition of complex and sealed space in detail, theoretical analysis the performance advantages of the optimal simulation model. The simulation and numeration structure of its functional modules are described, and the specific algorithm based on finite element method is presented. By scripting and calling its service in a fully developed simulation environment, three-dimensional simulation schema of gas leakage and diffusion achieves three-dimensional visualization of the simulation results and is realized with high simulation accuracy. Cost of time is reduced and simulation efficienc


peili2018 + 关注


