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II II Abstract Along with the economical rapid development and society’s huge change, government’s function is day by day complex,the society is more and more high to the administrative machinery managed capacity and the efficiency request, the official ability construction proposes the agenda to become one kind of necessity. Professional ability of civil servant’s is civil servants use public power in accordance with the law and other public resources to carry out administrative functions scientifically and effectively, to govern the country, serving the masses, to promote sustainable growth and social development, to achieve fairness and efficiency, energy and strength what is required for carrying out various activities in the administrative environment in the modern time. Insurance mechanisms of the construction of civil servant’s professional ability is the public sector combined all the concerned elements organically on the construction of civil servant’s vocational ability, to form a organic unit that can insure the stability and improving of civil servant’s professional ability. The establishment of insurance mechanisms of the construction of civil servant’s professional ability is to adapt to competition world and the trend of service-oriented government. Through the establishment insurance mechanisms of the construction of civil servant’s professional ability will help strengthen the competitiveness of the civil service, and effectively improve the capacity of the civil service, ensure the continuity of the process that construction of civil servant’s professional ability, to form a high-quality, professional civil servant’s group.. This article aims to discuss the necessity of construction of the insurance mechanisms on civil servant’s professional ability, and put forward some measures about how to establish the insurance mechanisms on civil servant’s professional ability in the new era. The construction of civil servant’s professional ability has gotten



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