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摘 要* 大规模网络存储系统在时间和空间上呈现出多种复杂性,其状态和存储事件具 有时空离散性,网络拓扑、存储节点、服务规则、存储请求具有动态综合作用特征。 基于对象的存储系统具有一定的智能性和适应性特征,分析表明基于对象的网络存 储系统可抽象为一个时空离散的自治动力学系统。元胞自动机作为研究时空离散动 力学系统的一种有效方法,用来分析和评价复杂网络环境下的对象存储系统数据流 动规律。 通过分析复杂网络存储系统中数据流动产生的原因以及数据流动特点,建立了 面向复杂网络存储系统的元胞自动机理论分析模型。首先,在存储网络的整体结构 上,建立了面向存储网络的元胞自动机模型,将存储网络节点抽象为元胞,同时利 用了数据对象的生命周期属性模拟了一个二维格子存储网络结构,通过分析网络存 储系统的数据流动规律,确定存储网络拥塞程度。仿真结果揭示数据对象流动和存 储网络中的相变具有全局相关性。此外,在对象存储系统的节点层次上,建立了面 向对象存储设备的元胞自动机模型,综合热点数据的迁移和复制机制,分析 I/O 负载 动态分布特性和存储热点迁移规律,仿真结果表明对象存储系统中的数据分布具有 一定的自组织特性。 利用基于元胞自动机的动力学分析方法,建立面向复杂存储系统的仿真平台, 可研究其内在的复杂行为机理和演化规律,为基于下一代互联网的复杂性存储系统 的规划和调度提供理论支持。 关键词:对象存储系统;复杂网络;网络拓扑;元胞自动机;数据流动 ?本文的研究工作受到国家 973 计划项目(2004CB318201)资助 I II II Abstract* Many kinds of spatio-temporal complex behaviors are concealed in large scale network storage systems. The state of the whole system and storage events are discrete on space and time, moreover, characteristics such as intricate topology of network architecture, complicated service rules, and dynamical I/O requests, etc, demonstrate the complexity of network storage system more obviously. Object-based Storage (OBS) system, with some intelligence and adaptability, can be abstracted as an autonomous dynamic system where space and time are discrete. As an effective approach to study dispersed space-time dynamic system, Cellular Automata (CA) is used to analyze and evaluate the rule of data flow of OBS system in complex network. By analyzing the reasons and the characteristics of data flow in complex network storage system, two CA models oriented to complex network storage system are proposed. Firstly, from the view point of whole architecture of storage network system, a cell automata model named SNCA is presented: in this model, storage network node is regard as cell, and we use an attribute of storage object called lifetime to analyze the data flow rules in storage network to ascertain the congestion degree. Simulation results show that data object flow has global relativity with the phase transition of s


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