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西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 (5)“高锰酸钾预氧化+粉末活性炭吸附”联用工艺的控制参数:高锰酸钾投 加量为 1.5~2.0mg/L,但不宜超过 2mg/L,氧化时间应大于 2h;粉末活性炭的投加 量为 20~30mg/L,吸附时间应大于 3h。投加点分别位于“汾河水库—呼延水厂” 联接段 1#减压阀室和 2#减压阀室。 (6)该应急方案能有效去除原水嗅味,同时应急措施的实施有助于改善水厂 混凝工艺的效果,降低出水浊度,提高出水的 pH 值和有机物去除率,进而有利于 提高出水水质稳定性。 关键词:嗅味;应急处理;藻类;高锰酸钾氧化;粉末活性炭吸附 Study on the Emergent Treatment of Sudden Taste and Odor Pollution in Fenhe Reservoir Specialty: Municipal Engineering Graduate: Le Wen-Jian Instructor: Prof. Huang Ting-Lin Abstract Studies on drinking water emergency treatment have become a very important research area in the 21st century’s water supply industry. In recent years, China’s total environment of water body has been in deterioration, and accidental/sudden pollution in water source happened frequently, which pose a serious threat to the security of urban water supply. The traditional technological process “coagulation-sedimentation- filtration-oxidation” which can not effectively deal with sudden pollution in raw water, is adopted by the overwhelming majority water plant in China. In order to improve the security of drinking water, it is essential to carry out studies on the emergent treatment of sudden pollution in water source. The background of this paper was based on the sudden taste and odor pollution underwent in Huyan water plant of Taiyuan City. Fenhe Reservoir, the water source of Huyan water plant, was investigated during the study. The chemical compound of the taste and odor and its origin were studied. According to the flavor origin, an emergent treatment technology suited for sudden taste and odor pollution was chosen after comparison, and the operation parameters were optimized by jar experiment. The engineering project of taste and odor control was designed, followed by the risk analysis of this emergent processing technology. The main conclusions in this study were listed as follows: The water quality of Fenhe Reservoir was in normal level, and all of the indexes investigated during the study satisfie



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