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英文摘要 格力电器营销渠道冲突管理研究
The Research of Gree’s marketing channel conflict management
After decades of development, Chinese household electrical appliance industry have been great improved, many Chinese enterprises have been grew into famous worldwide group companies from the small and unknown to the public companies, Gree,Haier,Midea eare the outstanding representatives. As the world champion of air conditioner industry, Gree has a unique sales channel management mode joint-stock sales company and specialty store in domestic market, his success is based on the innovation on his own business channel.
The channel results in success .When many non mainstream manufacturers launched the price war market penetration, and the mainstream household appliance manufacturers have to carry out marketing warfare and other means to maintain market share in the market, What did Gree do to control the limited channel resources? How to manage the sales channel conflict? What will be faced with multiple sales channel conflict in the future? These questions are worth to study and discuss.
Based on the detailed research of Gree’s marketing channel management, successful summarized the deep solution for various channel conflict in the home appliance market. In other side, Nowadays, e-commerce is developing faster and faster, Gree is slowly, maybe this is a problem for him. Through the research for Gree sales model, give the other household electrical appliance enterprises inspiration and reference.
Keywords: Market Channel、Conflict、Joint-Stock Sale Company、Specialty Store、 E-commerce
Writen by You Wenguang
Supervised by Li Xiaofeng
目 录
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 1. 前 言1
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 1.1 研究的背景1
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark2 1.1.1 空调市场的发展变革1
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark3 1.1.2 格力电器的背景2
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark4 1.2 研究的意义4
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark5 1.3 国内外研究综述及简要评析4
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark6 1.4 研究方法、研究思路及框架6
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark7 2. 营销渠道冲突管理理论综述8
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark8 2.1 营销
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