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II万方数据 II 万方数据 西安理工大学硕士学位论文 关键词:格;属性加密;多权威;大集合;析取型范式;LWE 本研究得到基金的资助 国家自然科学基金资助项目(项目编号 陕西省教育厅 2012 年度科学研究计划资助项目(项目编号 12JK0857) 万方数据 万方数据 ABSTRACT Title: RESEARCH OF ATTRIBUTE-BASED ENCRYPTION ALGOR- ITHM ON LAT丁ICES Major: Applied Mathematics Name: Fang Feng Signatu Supervisor: Prof. Shangping Wang ABSTRACT S创ignatu眨边呼均 if The emergence of attribute-based encryption system makes the decryptor a group with the same properties instead of a single individual.This makes the attribute-based encryption system can be widely used in cloud secure storage system. The study of attribute based encryption schemes has already obtained many research results. A few ye町s ago,the construction of attribute based enc巧rption systems is based on bilinear pairing technology under the decisional bilinear Di:ffie-Hellman assumption. The main drawback of this type of schemes is generally ine:fficient,because these schemes are needed to calculate bilinear pairs several times generally. Lattice based cryptography is of high e旺iciency,simple structure,and the most important advantage of lattice based cryptography is that it e joys strong security guarantees. So we try to construct the attribute based cryptosystem using lattice and obtain some contributions as following. We present a new key-policy attribute-based encryption scheme with multi-attribute authority from lattices. 1t is inspired by Xavier Boyen scheme which is named attribute-based 卸nctional encryption on lattices and has simpler struct山队 lower storage cost and higher efficiency comp町es with Boyens scheme. We proved that our scheme is selectivly secure under the learning with crTors assumption in the standard model. We propose a large universe attribute-based encryption (ABE) schellle 丘om lattices. It is inspired by Brent Waters scheme which is a large universe attribute-based encryption using bilinear map. We extend their good idea of large universe attribute-based encrypt



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