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Impact of modified short-course neoadjuvant therapy on locally advanced rectal cancer surgery and perioperative complications
Major: Surgery Postgraduate: Zhou Qing Supervisor: Zhang Ruyi Professor
[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the effect of modified short-course neoadjuvant therapy on locally advanced rectal cancer surgery and perioperative complications. Methods: A total of 132 cases with locally advanced rectal cancer from the Anorectal Surgery Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang Medical College between August 2010 and August 2014 were divided into three groups according to different treatments. Of all the cases, 40 cases underwent modified short-course neoadjuvant therapy and operation; 44 cases underwent long- course neoadjuvant therapy and operation; 48 patients underwent operation alone. Basic clinical data of three groups were compared, and surgical conditions and perioperative complications of three groups were analyzed. Results: (1) The operations of three groups all went smoothly, with no perioperative deaths. (2) For the modified short-course neoadjuvant therapy plus operation group, long-course neoadjuvant therapy plus operation group and simple operation group, the mean blood loss during operation for each was 159.73 ± 88.87ml, 137.67 ± 92.02ml, 146.15 ± 103.42ml, and the mean operation time for each was 146.73 ± 42.51min, 151.73 ± 50.32min, 157.73 ± 47.78min. There was no statistically significant difference among three groups in the mean operation time and blood loss amount during operation. (3) The sphincter-saving rates of modified short-course neoadjuvant therapy plus operation group, long-course neoadjuvant therapy plus operation group and simple operation group were 65.00%, 70.45% and 41.67%, respectively; and R0 resection rates were 90.00%, 91.91% and 70.83 %, respectively; The sphincter-saving rate and R0 resection rate of the modified short-course neoadjuvant therapy plus operation group were higher than that of
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