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目的:观察胃癌组织中RELMβ的表达,探讨其与胃癌组织学类型、病理分级、临 床分期、患者生存率、HPA、Ki-67的关系。 方法:采用免疫组织化学检测136例胃癌组织和癌旁正常胃组织中RELMβ、HPA、 Ki-67的表达水平;应用实时荧光定量 PCR方法检测RELMβmRNA的表达水平;通 过住院、门诊、电话、实地随访等方式获得患者的复发转移、死亡资料,统计其 术后生存情况。 结果:在正常胃组织中RELMβ无表达,而在胃肠化生细胞中可以检测到RELMβ的 表达,89位胃癌病人(65.4%)RELMβ呈阳性表达。在20例的小样本中, RELMβ 的转录与胃癌组织中的蛋白表达水平呈正相关,但在正常胃黏膜无表达。RELMβ 的表达水平在肠型胃癌中较弥漫型胃癌高( P 0.001)。RELMβ表达水平与胃癌 肿瘤分化程度呈正相关(P = 0.001),与肿瘤浸润程度呈负相关( P = 0.007), 与淋巴结转移数呈负相关( P = 0.035),和乙酰肝素酶的表达水平呈负相关( P
0.001),而与年龄、性别、肿瘤的位置和大小、肿瘤是否远处转移、 Ki-67的 表达水平无相关性。RELMβ阳性表达的患者较阴性表达者中位生存时间长(P
结论: RELMβ在胃癌中的表达与患者临床病理特征相关,并可能成为预测胃癌 患者预后的一个有用指标。
Expression and significance of resistin-like molecule beta in gastric cancer Abstract
Objective: To examine the RELMβ expression in gastric cancer and correlate it with clinicopathological parameters and prognosis.
Methods: One hundred and thirty-six gastric cancer patients were evaluated for the RELM β expression by immunohis-tochemistry. The RELM β transcripts were measured by real-time quantitative PCR. The patients with gastric carcinoma are
follow-up visited by outpatient、hospital、phone、field visit,etc to get information of
the patients’ recurrence and metastasis and death data,and calculate postoperative survival of patients.
Results: In normal gastric mucosa, RELM β expression was absent, whereas areas of intestinal metaplasia revealed RELM β reactivity. Eighty-nine patients of gastric cancer (65.4%) were positive for RELM β expression. In a subtotal of 20 patients, RELM β transcripts were positively correlated with protein levels in gastric cancer tissues, but absent in normal gastric mucosa. The expression rate of RELM β was higher in intestinal-type carcinomas than in diffuse-type carcinomas ( P 0.001). RELM β positivity in gastric cancer was positively correlated with tumor differ-entiation ( P =0.001) and inversely correlated with tumor infiltration ( P
=0.007), lymph node metastasis ( P =0.035), and heparanase ex
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