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As knowledge changing with each passing day, the major competition of each enterprise has been becoming how to exploit and manage knowledge capital effectively, it is very obvious to see that, knowledge staff will be the main resource of an enterprise development. To account knowledge staff’s value of human capital scientifically and correctly is not only have benefit to make a strategy of stimulating knowledge staff, but also be a kind of evidence for the staffs who will take part in the ownership of enterprise. For the measurement of the value of human capital, accounting for human capital has been occurred, furthermore, from 1950s, a number of explorers who are from both domestic and foreign countries have done plenty of researches for how can we measure the value of human capital, and a variance of models of value of human capital have been presented. As a result, according to having a deeper research to find out a way to measure knowledge staff’s value of human capital, this article will talk both positive and negative side of past methods of measurement, and to create a most suitable model of knowledge staffs’ human capital, so that it can be scientifically and correctly to estimate the value of human capital of knowledge staffs in enterprises.
Based on the theory of human capital, the model of human capital measurement and capital gain theory which are related to economics and management, the article will create the model of knowledge staff human capital measurement, in additional; it will combine the methods of normative analysis and empirical analysis. At first, create an input-output model of a existence of both human capital and physical capital, secondly, remove the factor of physical capital, and get a new output, the difference between the two will be attributed to human capital contribution, thus, separate the new value which is created by both enterprise human and materials. Then,
according to calculate th
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