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I I 摘 要 摘 要 作为现代民法边际性原则,公序良俗不论是在大陆法系的民法体系中还是在英美法 系的判例适用中都居于重要地位。尤其是在 20 世纪,公序良俗原则更是被誉为指向法 律的根本精神,是私法社会化的主要表现之一。这主要是因为公序良俗原则作为统领民 法具体规范的基本原则之一,具有较大的弹性,是法官克服成文法局限性、化解法律与 社会生活之间的张力的重要工具。由此看来,不论是在立法还是司法中,公序良俗原则 的重大意义,都决定了无论我们对其进行何种程度的清晰阐述和详尽解读都是非常有必 要的。 在二十世纪九十年代以前,公序良俗原则在我国大陆并未受到应有的重视,直到近 些年来,司法实践中适用公序良俗限制“市民”意思自治的案例层出不穷后,才引发了理 论界与实务界的诸多讨论与研究。本文认为对公序良俗原则的研究应集中在以下三个方 面进行讨论,即:公序良俗原则是什么、为什么适用、怎么适用。相比之下,祖国大陆 地区学者的讨论范围尚局限在前两个问题上,而对第三个问题的研究还有些薄弱。然而, 恰恰最为复杂和最为迫切的问题正是公序良俗原则的适用问题。概因对这一问题的讨论 是关于法律方法的具体运用,研究的难度较大,作者根基肤浅、用功不深,但仍将这一 问题作为本文的一个主要内容加以讨论,以期抛砖引玉,引起更多的关注和更深入的研 究。 关键词 公序良俗 诚实信用 意思自治 司法适用 II II Abstract Abstract As the marginal principle in modern civil law, public order and good customs no matter whether it is in the civil law system in the continental law system or in applying Anglo American case occupies an important position in. Especially in twentieth Century, the principle of public order and good custom is known as the fundamental spirit of the law, is one of the main manifestations of the socialization of private law. This is mainly because the fundamental principle of the principle of public order and good customs as its basic civil law specific norms, has a greater flexibility, the judge to overcome the limitations statute, to resolve an important tool between law and social life of tension. In view of this, whether in legislation or judicial, the great significance of public order and good morals, decide whether we carry on the extent to which and the detailed interpretation is very necessary. Before the nineteen ninties, the principle of public order and good customs has not been paid enough attention in the Chinese mainland, until recent years, emerge in an endless stream application in judicial practice case of public order and good customs restrictions public autonomy of the cause, the theory circle and the practice circle many discussion and research. This paper argues that the principle of public order and good customs should be discussed in the following



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