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摘 要
在社会经济活动频繁的今天,公证凭借其公信力,证明有法律意义 的事件、行为和文书的真实性、合法性,在预防和化解矛盾、减少诉讼 和维护公平正义等方面发挥着重要的作用。公证遗嘱相较于其他遗嘱形 式拥有法定的优先效力。但在实务中,法律和相关程序规则对公证遗嘱的 规范过于笼统。同时,公证遗嘱在撤回程序、执行效率以及公信力等问 题上仍存在不足之处。公证遗嘱效力的优先性难以体现,其存废问题更 在法学界中引起广泛的争论。本文尝试以案例为引导,对公证遗嘱的效力 问题展开理论性研究,同时对实务中存在的问题进行分析,进而提出完 善公证遗嘱优先效力制度的建议。全文共分三个部分,简要内容如下:
第一部分阐述现行法对公证遗嘱效力位阶的规定。通过对典型案例 的分析,指出公证遗嘱效力问题在实践中所遇到的困惑所在。接着由案 件的焦点问题延伸出法学界对公证遗嘱优先效力存废的争议。
第二部分是对公证遗嘱效力定位进行总体分析。首先阐明对法律赋 予公证遗嘱优先效力的支持态度。接着从法的价值、法律权威、制度设 立目的、中国传统及理想追求和国外立法趋势等方面入手,提出确立公 证遗嘱优先效力所具有的五点意义。
第三部分为完善公证遗嘱优先效力建议。针对公证遗嘱优先效力在 实践中难以体现的问题,本文借鉴国外公证制度和行业的先进经验,从 国家立法支撑和公示公信力重构两个方面进行研究,并提出可行性建议。
In social economic activities frequently today, notarization with its credibility, to prove the legal significance of the event, the behavior and the authenticity of the document, the legality of the prevention and resolution of conflicts, reduce litigation and maintain fairness and justice, and so play an important role. The notary will have a statutory priority in the form of a will. But in practice, the law and the relevant rules of the law of the notary will be too general, notary will in the revocation procedures, the implementation of efficiency and credibility of the problem still exists. It is difficult to reflect the priority of the notary Testament, and the problem of its existence is more widely debated in the legal field. In this paper, we try to make a theoretical research on the effectiveness of the notary Testament, and analyze the existing problems in practice, and then put forward suggestions to improve the system of the priority of the priority of the system. The full text is divided into three parts, the brief content is as follows:
The first part of this paper describes the current law on the validity of the provisions of the order of the will. Through the analysis of typical cases, the puzzle of the effectiveness of the notary will in practice is pointed out. Followed by the focus of the case of the legal community to extend the validity of the not
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