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贵州 贵州大学硕士研究生学位论文 II II 具体操作、法定刑配置不合理和没有满足公民的立法期待四个方面加以阐述。 第三章论述的是我国个人信息权利保护的刑事立法完善。首先是对《刑法修 正案(七)》第 7 条的完善建议,从法律性质的重新定位、犯罪对象的界定、犯 罪主体的进一步明确、犯罪行为类型的解读、情节严重的界定与细化、进一步明 确举证责任的分配原则六个方面提出了改进意见。其次是就相关刑事立法的进一 步完善提出自己的大胆设想——设立非法使用、披露、传播公民个人信息罪,阐 释了设立该罪的立法定位和构成要件,并对民众高度关注的“人肉搜索”司法实 践问题进行评析。最后进一步探讨了计算机中个人信息权利特殊保护的刑事立法 完善问题,对现行相关刑事立法评析后又结合对域外相关立法的考察,提出了一 个还需要进一步斟酌的立法完善构想——设立非法侵入个人信息系统罪,期望能 全面铺设对公民个人信息刑法保护的法网,切实保障公民的人格权益和享受安定 自由生活的需要。 关键词:个人信息权 刑法保护 刑法修正案(七) 司法适用 刑法完善 PAGE PAGE IV Research on Criminal Protection of Personal Information Rights Jingran Wang Summary As the continuous development of information technology and the rising of the degree of social information, the illegal and criminal acts of personal information are rising continuously, being the social issues concerned by whole jurisprudence. Being the last line of defense of social regulation, the criminal law how to protect personal information effectively is particularly important. February 28, 2009 the Eleventh National Peoples Congress Standing Committee of the seventh meeting, adopted the PRC Criminal Law Amendment (7), providing supplementary provisions of The crime of saling or illegally providing personal information of citizens,The crime of illegally obtained personal information of citizens,The crime of illegal access to computer information system data, illegal control of the crime of computer information system,The crime of providing illegal entry, illegal control of computer information system programs or tools, Criminal Protection of Personal Information in our country advance into a new stage. Toward the interest in this issue, This paper describes three problems, including The definition of personal information rights,The status and lack of the existing Criminal Code norms on the protection of the rights of personal information and The improving of criminal legislation of personal information rights. Chapter I deals with the basic definition and basic theoryof personal information rights



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