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万方数据 万方数据 Study on the Organization of Competitive Enterprises Norm Based On the Detail List A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master Candidate:JiangXi Supervisor:ChenChuanDe Chang’an University, Xi’an, China 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 企业定额是只适用于本企业的内部定额,对外投标报价时用企业定额编制预算,对 内用于企业内部管理的方方面面,它反映的是施工企业自身的技术、装备和管理水平, 也可以说企业定额是反映施工单位综合生产力水平的消耗定额。建设部颁布的《建设工 程工程量清单计价规范》对必须采用工程量清单计价的项目作了强制性要求以后,编制 企业定额,实现企业自主报价,提升施工企业竞争能力,这一任务也迫在眉睫。 本文通过综述工程量清单计价模式和国内近年来工程造价管理现状的基础上,对企 业定额的编制进行研究,从施工企业投标角度出发,提出具有竞争性的企业定额的编制 方法。理论方面,系统地分析了工程量清单计价模式的特点,以及编制企业定额的依据、 编制原则和编制方法。在理论分析指导下,对工程量清单模式下企业定额的编制进行了 探索,总结出一套编制企业定额的思路。本文指出编制企业定额最关键的工作是确定人 材机消耗量,运用数学模型确定部分消耗量,从施工企业的实际情况出发,着重针对中 小企业,在样本的参考数据有限的情况下,提出运用回归分析和 AHP 对比估计两种方法 建立数学模型预测定额消耗量,从而确定本企业的消耗定额。用此种方法编制企业定额, 可以补充修正已有的工程历史资料,减少现场技术测定的次数,为企业节省大量财力、 物力。 关键词:工程量清单 企业定额 线性回归 AHP 对比估计 ⅠI Abstract Corporate fixed internal quota is only applicable to the enterprise, while the external fixed tender offer enterprise budgeting, internal to the internal management of all aspects, it reflects the construction of their own technology, equipment and management level, it can be said enterprise quota is fixed consumption reflects a comprehensive level of productivity of the construction unit. It is based companies do a pretty good idea at the time of the tender offer, reducing the risk of loss aversion blindly quote may bring, apply corporate fixed quote increases the likelihood of a competitive bid, lower bid costs. Based on it, the construction companies can strengthen their internal accounting cost control and improve economic efficiency. Ministry of Construction promulgated the construction project valuation norms on the bill of quantities must be made a mandatory requirement of the project after the preparation of corporate fixed, enterprise autonomy offer, enhance the competitiveness of construction enterprises, the task is urgent. This paper-based review valuation model and project cost management in recent years, the domestic status quo



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