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- I -
摘 要
分数傅里叶变换(FRFT)是经典傅里叶变换的推广,当分数阶数从0逐渐增 大到1,信号的分数傅里叶变换提供比经典傅里叶变换丰富得多的信号时-频联 合表达形式,为信号的可能处理准备了广泛的选择余地。分数傅立叶变换的多 样性主要是由特征值的任意次幂的不唯一性和特征函数的选取的多样性而产 生的。这两方面也就是本文中第三章所讲的生成序列(GS)和扰动序列(PS),这 一章中我们主要研究了这两个因素对分数傅立叶变换算子的影响及它们之间 的关系;当然还有另一种看问题的角度就是从算子的周期性和特征子空间的分 布的角度,这就是第二章中所介绍的内容,在这里我们给出了两个三周期的分 数傅立叶变换算子并比较了其特征性质。由于傅立叶变换在信号处理中有着很 重要的意义和作用,而在信号处理中最重要的由理论通向实践的重要一步就是 将数字信号转换为模拟信号,这项工作的实现手段就是采样。那么很自然的算 子的采样情况要是得到比较充分的研究的话,对信号的分数傅立叶变换的性质 及信号的重构都有很重要意义的。本文的主要工作就是,研究了分数傅立叶变 换算子核函数的采样定理及采样关系,给出了一种能够达到理论的最佳采样频 率的尝试,也给出了这种做法的可行性的证明,更进一步由采样关系给出了核 函数的一些关系。
关键词 傅立叶变换;分数傅立叶变换;采样;核函数
- II -
The Fractional Fourier Transform (FRFT) is an extension of the classical Fourier transform. When fractional order increases gradually from 0 to 1, the fractional Fourier transform of signals can offer much more time-frequency united representation of signal than the classical Fourier transform, and can provide extensive optional space for possible disposal of signal. The multiplicity of FRFT is generated by the disunity of the eigenvalue’s arbitrary power and the different choice of eigenvectors. These two things are what we will study in section Ⅲ. We call them GS (generating sequence) and PS (perturbing sequence). In this section we will study the impact of the two and the relationship between them. Of course, there are some other ways to observe the problem. One of them is to consider the period and the distribution of eigenspace. These are what we will study in section Ⅱ. In this section we will give two operators with period 3 and study their properties. For the importance of FT in signal processing, the most important step from theory to practice is to change the digital signal into analog signal by the method of sampling. So, if the sampling of the operator has been studied enough it
will be very useful to the study of the FRFT of signals and their reconstruction. The main work of this paper is to study the sampling theorem in domain of the fraction and the
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