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摘 要
近来, 由于分数微分方程在工程, 科技, 经济等众多领域都有着重要应用, 对 分数微分方程的研究引起了人们的广泛关注.
分数微分方程边值问题也是一个十分重要的研究领域, 不动点理论是研究该 问题的一个重要方法.近年来这方面的研究成果已有很多. 和周期边值问题一 样, 反周期边值问题也经常出现在实际应用中. 本文利用不动点定理研究了几类 不同的分数微分方程反周期边值问题解的存在性, 给出了一些新的结论.
第一章介绍了问题的研究背景和现状, 本文的主要工作以及一些预备知识; 第二章利用Krasnosel’skill不动点定理研究了一类分数微分方程反周期边值问题 解的存在性; 第三章在第二章的基础上, 研究了当非线性项f 不独立于未知函数x的 分数阶导数时该方程反周期边值问题解的存在性; 第四章讨论了一类脉冲分数微 分方程反周期边值问题解的存在性, 给出了解存在的若干定理. 关键词:分数微分方程, 不动点定理, 反周期边值问题.
Recently, the subject of fractional di?erential equations has received consid- erable attention as its important application in engineering, science and technol- ogy, economic.
Boundary value problems to fractional di?erential equations is also an sig- ni?cant ?eld, and an important methods to research this problem is ?xed point theorem. Antiperiodic boundary value problems have practical application as the same to periodic boundary value problems. In this thesis, we discuss the existence of solutions to antiperiodic boundary value problems for fractional dif- ferential equations by means of ?xed point theorems, and some new conclusions are obtained.
In chapter 1, we ?rstly introduce the applied background of research, main results and some preliminary results; In chapter 2, we discuss the existence of solu- tions to antiperiodic boundary value problems for fractional di?erential equations with the use of Krasnosel’skill ?xed point theorem; In chapter 3, we research the existence of solutions to antiperiodic boundary value problems when the nonlin- ear term f is not independent of fractional derivative of unknown function x; In chapter 4, we discuss the antiperiodic boundary value problems for fractional di?erential equations with impulses, and give some new theorems about existence of solutions.
Key Words: Fractional di?erential equations, Fixed point theorem, Antiperi- odic boundary value problem.
目 录
第 1 章 绪 论 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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